Chapter 8: Do not abort children

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The moment he came in, Lin Xiyu felt as if he had been sucked in a breath of cold air, and he almost didn't put it down. In front of Lu Junting, she always felt nervous without realizing it. She felt that others were probably similar to her. This person had an aura of oppression, and people without courage really couldn't cope with him in front of him.

"How long did you wait?" Lu Junting asked when he saw her. He took off his suit jacket and sat on the sofa opposite her.

Lin Xiyu tried her best to make her expression less stiff, she smiled: "Not long."

The secretary brought in the brewed tea, and Lu Junting asked, "Why don't you prepare something for Miss Lin?"

His tone was a bit stern, and the secretary was taken aback and said hurriedly: "I asked Miss Lin, and Miss Lin said no."

Lu Junting looked at her, Lin Xiyu nodded immediately and said, "I don't want it."

Lu Junting didn't say anything, the secretary breathed a sigh of relief, put down the teacup and went out. Lu Junting poured a cup of tea slowly, he took a sip of the tea and asked her, "Is there anything you want to do with me?"

Lin Xiyu didn't know how to say this. Lu Junting waited for a while and didn't hear her speak. He raised his eyes and glanced at her, and saw that she was biting her lip and rubbing the corners of her clothes with both hands, her expression obviously showing nervousness.

"Why didn't you say it?" he asked again.

Lu Junting's office is very spacious, but Lin Xiyu always feels afraid when facing him alone, and she doesn't know why, just because she is afraid of this person, no matter how spacious the atmosphere is, she feels depressed, she has already thought about it She wanted to tell him about it, but because of this feeling of depression, she didn't know how to speak for a while. She can't figure it out now, why she jumped up that day, how dare she have the courage to bite his lip.

"I..." Lin Xiyu handed the test sheet in the bag to him.

Lu Junting took it and glanced at it, but didn't understand, "What is this?"

Lin Xiyu lowered her head and said, "I'm pregnant."

Lu Junting stopped when he was holding a cup to drink tea, his eyes fell on her, he hesitated for about three seconds, and then he stared at the test sheet again. He put down the cup in his hand in a very slow motion, leaned back on the back of the chair subconsciously, stared at the girl opposite him, his expression gloomy and unpredictable, "How long?"

"Seven weeks." Lin Xiyu's tone carried a cry, she was really about to cry, the tip of her nose was sore, and her eyes were blushing unconsciously, she said: "I I don't know why this happened, I obviously took medicine, I don't know what to do, I can only come to you."

He was silent for a while and said, "Contraceptive pills can't achieve 100% contraception, and it is not impossible for contraceptives to fail. This is not your business, you are right to come to me."

The little girl lowered her head and he couldn't see her expression. Lu Junting slightly tilted his head to look at her, but saw her eyes blushing and her nose twitching. Lu Junting asked: " Are you crying?"

Lin Xiyu slowly raised her head, shook her head and said, "No."

She licked the lips, and the lips were fuller.

Lu Junting took a sip of tea, looked away from her face, and tugged on the tie with his other hand subconsciously.

After he finished drinking, he put down the teacup and asked her, "What are your plans, let's talk about it."

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