Chapter 7: Pregnant?

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 Lu Yuan gave the boy an apologetic look, and quickly pulled Lin Xiyu out the door. When she walked outside, Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, patted her chest and said, "Did my brother get angry just now? That looks so scary."

Lin Xiyu also felt that Lu Junting was too strict just now, but he shouldn't be angry, Lin Xiyu said: "Maybe the boss is used to it, and the tone of speech is like that?"

Lu Yuan nodded, "That's right, anyway, he usually likes to have a scary face." My eldest brother is also true, he can be there, why can't we? We are adults, and we can't have normal social interactions?"

"Maybe you are afraid that you will be tricked by your love of play?"

Lu Yuan pursed her lips, "I'm still afraid that I will be deceived? I rarely see my eldest brother in a year. When did he get so interested in me?" Lu Yuan sighed after speaking. , "Forget it, it's unlucky this time, I just hope that I won't run into my eldest brother when I go out to play in the future."

Lin Xiyu agrees with this, and she hopes that she and Lu Junting will not meet in the future, otherwise it will be really embarrassing.

The driver drove the car over, and the two got into the car one after the other. Lin Xiyu felt unhappy about what happened today, so she couldn't help twisting Lu Yuan's arm. She pinched and screamed, and said angrily, "You're crazy, why are you **** me?"

"Next time you bring me on a blind date without my consent, I will really break up with you."

Lu Yuan was somewhat guilty, but being pinched by this little girl hurt, she said badly, "A dog bites Lu Dongbin, you don't know a good person."

The driver kept sending the two to Lu's house, and Lin Xiyu went to work the next day. Lin Xiyu would go back to Lu's house on weekends every weekend. Fortunately, Lu Junting and Lu Junfeng were not around when she was at Lu's house. Lu Junting is usually busy with work, and it is rare to return to the Lu family once a month. Lu Junfeng studied finance. After graduation, he joined an investment bank through his father's relationship. However, the investment bank is not in Ancheng, and it is more than 100 kilometers away from Ancheng. return. Anyway, when Lin Xiyu was in the Lu family, he never met the two brothers.

Although I haven't seen it in real life, Lin Xiyu often sees Lu Junting on TV recently. The acquisition of an electronics company made him famous. He has recently appeared in many media and magazines.

She was eating in a restaurant outside the company that day, and the restaurant lobby was equipped with a TV, which happened to be broadcasting financial news. It was at a foreign economic forum. The reporter was squatting outside the door. He entered the field surrounded by a crowd. The camera suddenly landed on him. He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, rigorous and meticulous. He was tall and straight, with a handsome face. He was surrounded by the crowd like a star in the moonlight. His figure flashed by the camera. The reporter chased after him to interview him, but was blocked by his bodyguard. The reporter called him behind him, and he glanced sideways slightly, but with a simple glance, there was an aura of retreating thousands of troops.

A colleague was discussing, "Is this person the youngest person on the list of billionaires..."

Someone answered, "Lu Junting."

"Yes, Lu Junting, I only saw his photos before, but I didn't expect his videos to look more handsome. His eyes are too A."

"Oh, I don't know how many girls are rushing to call their husbands."

Lin Xiyu was eating silently by the side, and when she heard this, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart, every time she thought about it, it felt like a dream, and it was a person who was so far away, but he was with him With skin-to-skin.

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