Chapter 14: ​​I married myself to him like this (catch bugs)...

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"Ah?" Lin Xiyu was stunned, "Going tomorrow?"

    Are you in a hurry?

    "I usually don't have time to deal with personal affairs, and it happens that I have more leisure time these two days, otherwise I don't know how long it will take to be free next time."

    Think about it, he is indeed a busy man. Anyway, they had already agreed that they should get the certificate first, and those who got it early and late would all get it. Lin Xiyu agreed without thinking about it for a long time, "Okay, I'll go tomorrow."

    Lu Junting asked again: "Is there anything else?"

     "No, please take a trip, Brother Junting."

    Lu Junting stood up, "Rest early, I'll pick you up tomorrow."

    After he finished speaking, he went out. Lin Xiyu did not expect Lu Junting to come so early the next day. Before she got up, Aunt Yao came to knock on her door, saying that Lu Junting had come to pick her up. Lin Xiyu asked Aunt Yao to help find out her household registration book, and by the way, she told Zhang Yao about getting the certificate. Zhang Yao felt that she and Lu Junting were a little hasty to get the certificate, but now Lin Xiyu has a big belly, and sooner or later she will marry Lu Junting , Zhang Yao didn't say anything.

    Lin Xiyu followed Lu Junting to tell Mrs. Lu and Mr. Lu about this matter. The second old man was very happy when they heard that they were going to get the certificate, and Lin Xiyu also talked about the delayed wedding. Lu The old lady agreed immediately.

      The wife has never been so happy in the second half of her life. Not only has the grandson who has been giving her a headache has finally solved the major issues in her life, but she will soon have her grandson in her arms. Now Lin Xiyu is really satisfied everywhere.

    Lin Xiyu responded obediently, but she felt a little guilty. After giving birth to the child, she and Lu Junting parted ways. Most of the wedding will not be completed, and the old lady is probably looking forward to it in vain.

    Lin Xiyu went to the Civil Affairs Bureau with Lu Junting, took pictures, swore an oath, signed, and got a certificate, everything went smoothly. Although Lin Xiyu knew that getting the certificate with Lu Junting was just an expedient measure, but as soon as he went out and the sun shone above his head, he couldn't help but feel a little dazed. He married himself and Lu Junting like this. Thinking about it, he felt incredible.

    "Get in."

    Lu Junting's voice pulled back her thoughts, Lin Xiyu was still in a trance, and got into the car absentmindedly, not realizing that this time, Lu Junting personally helped her open the car door.

    After getting in the car, Lu Junting said to her, "Give me your share."

    Lin Xiyu was stunned for a moment, and Lu Junting said again: "It's useless for you to hold it. It will be used for the birth certificate when the child is born."

    Lin Xiyu didn't doubt anything, so she obediently gave him this one, he was right, it was meaningless for her to hold it.

    Lu Junting put away the marriage certificate and handed her two cards, Lin Xiyu looked puzzled, Lu Junting said: "One of these two cards is my supplementary card, and the other is my special card. You do it, the password is on the back of the card, and I will pay you a fixed monthly living allowance."

    Lin Xiyu waved her hand without thinking, "You don't need to give me this."

    "You are my wife now, don't be so polite with me, you spend my money just right."

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