Chapter 51: I want to kiss at a glance

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Lin Xiyu suddenly thought of something, she said: "By the way, can you tell me about you and your ex-girlfriend? Why do I look so similar to her."

    Lin Xiyu didn't want to ask about this at first, after all, it's been so long, but today I talked to Lin Xigan about the substitute, she didn't care before, but now she has this man in her heart, It's a lie to say that you don't mind this kind of thing, so she wants to ask carefully.

    He didn't want to lie to her, since she asked, he told the truth. Lu Junting said: "In those few years, I haven't been able to get a firm seat in Changheng. Some **** who don't like me spread some unfavorable remarks outside. They can't attack me in business, they just attack me in personal affairs. I, because I didn't have a girlfriend, was so focused on work, they spread that I was **** and said I had a sexual fetish. I didn't want to bother with these rumors, but it's different when they spread to my family. One year ago, my grandfather had a stroke and his health was not very good. I was afraid that these rumors would affect him, so I spent money to find a girlfriend."

    Lin Xiyu remembered that Lu Junting told her that Shen Jimei was found by him with money, but at that time she thought he was an out-and-out liar and didn't believe him.

    "So you found someone who looks like me?"

    Lu Junting nodded, "Since you're looking for a fake girlfriend, why not find a girl who looks like the girl you like, and it's comfortable to look at."

    In other words, that Miss Shen is the substitute?

    Because she likes her to find a girl who looks like her as her girlfriend, although it costs money, Lin Xiyu always feels a little uncomfortable.

    Lin Xiyu got up from his arms and sat aside, Lu Junting's arms were empty, and he looked at her with a puzzled expression.

    "What's wrong?"

    "You don't treat Miss Shen as me when you are intimate with her, right?"

    She didn't look at him when she was talking, he could smell a sour taste in her tone keenly, this kind of feeling that she seemed to be jealous made Lu Junting in a good mood.

    He pulled the person into his arms, hugged him, and said, "Me and her are just a transaction, where can there be intimacy?"

    Lin Xiyu was surprised when she heard this. She stuck her head out of his arms, and her delicate brows twitched in surprise, "Have you never been intimate?" Lu Junting seemed to have only Having had a girlfriend with Shen Jimei, she suddenly had a very bold idea, which shocked her, and she couldn't help but speak cautiously, "So... our time... is also your first time?"

    Lu Junting: "..."

    Lu Junting felt very ashamed, that time he had a relationship with her, he was already twenty-eight years old, and the twenty-eight-year-old man was still a young child. Laugh at him.

    "Although this is the first time, the technology is still passable, right?"


    Lin Xiyu felt very speechless, who talked to him about technology and technology? But this really surprised her. Although he was so old, it was normal for him to have talked about girlfriends, and it was normal for him to have sex-experience, but after all, he was the man she liked. What, how much will be a little uncomfortable feeling. But if he had only been with her alone, she felt that it was indeed a pleasant surprise.

    Lin Xiyu buried her face in his arms and hugged him tightly, her tone couldn't hide her happiness, "Jun Ting, I'm the only one with you."

    He also thought about this question, and he also guessed that she and Lu Junfeng hadn't developed to that stage yet. In fact, he really wanted to ask, where did Lu Junfeng touch her at that time, did he touch her? He passed her hand and touched her lips, but he didn't dare to ask, for fear that he would be jealous when she said it, and he would appear to be stingy. After all, it was before he was with him, and he was not qualified to ask.

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