Chapter 54: He just wants to eat "sugar"

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Lu Junting returned to the backyard, Lin Xiyu was sitting on a chair eating fruit, she stared blankly at the front, eating fruit absent-mindedly, Lu Junting walked up and stood in front of her.

    A shadow suddenly fell in front of him. The man was tall and tall. Lin Xiyu had to look up to see his face. He stood in the backlight, the shadows of the contours of the face were deepened, and the facial features appeared more three-dimensional.

    She was dazzled by his handsomeness, Lu Junting leaned over, put his hands on the arm of the chair and circled her, he asked, "Why are you in a daze?"

    Lin Xiyu sighed softly, "I was just thinking, why am I being deceived all the time, am I being too stupid?"



    "You are innocent, whether it's Lin Xigan or me, we are bastards."

    He spoke in a serious manner, how could anyone say that he is a **** in such a serious manner, Lin Xiyu couldn't help but chuckle.


    It is the kind of laughter that comes from the heart, without defense, without reservation.

    Although the two have confessed to each other, every time she truly feels that she has accepted him, it still makes him happy. He raised his eyebrows lightly, and there was a smile in his eyes.

    Lin Xiyu was really comforted by him, she was in a good mood, she forked a piece of apple with a toothpick and handed it to him, "Do you want to eat?"

    He pointed to her mouth and said, "Feed me here and eat."

    Lin Xiyu: "..."

    More and more I find that this man is not serious.

    Lin Xiyu gave him an angry look, "Don't make trouble."

    Lin Xiyu didn't want to pay attention to him, just stuffed it into his mouth, but after chewing a few times, the man suddenly grabbed her chin and kissed her, Lin Xiyu was unprepared, his tongue drove straight in, hooking She swallowed the half of the apple she had bitten into her mouth.

    Lin Xiyu's shock completely concealed the shyness of being kissed by him suddenly, she remembered that this man was very furry, not to mention the things in the entrance, even the clothes he usually wears must be taken care of It was clean, and every time he came back, the house had to be cleaned several times and had to be sprayed with air freshener.

    But now he will take the apple she ate straight from her mouth.

    Lin Xiyu looked at him with a complicated expression, "You...Aren't you disgusting?"

    Lu Junting clasped her chin with her index finger, rubbed her thumb lightly on her lips, the corner of his mouth was smiling, his eyes were dazzled by the sun, and there was a warm light flowing from the bottom of his eyes, he said: " Where is the disgusting thing in my woman's mouth?"

    His lowered voice, with a faint hoarseness at the end, sounded extremely magnetic. The phrase "my woman" is clearly said softly, but it gives people a full sense of possessiveness.

    Suddenly a feeling of bloating hit, she couldn't do anything for a while, couldn't even speak, just stared at him blankly.


    Lu Junting wanted to kiss her when he looked at her small appearance, he didn't hide it, he just lowered his head and greeted her.

    Lin Xiyu came back to her senses instantly, she didn't forget that they were still outside, she hurriedly pushed him away and said, "Don't."

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