Chapter 21: Don't Dislike Me (Catch Bugs)

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Lu Junting was still very busy, so he only came out for half a day to accompany Lin Xiyu for the prenatal check-up. After dinner, he sent Lin Xiyu home and he went to the company again. Lu Junting's meeting ended in the afternoon. He sat on the back seat and pressed his finger between his eyebrows. The car started and started and stopped abruptly after a while. Lu Junting's face darkened and he asked, "What's wrong?"

    The driver pointed at him and pointed ahead, Lu Junting looked up and saw that there was someone blocking the car. At this time, in the underground garage of Changheng Group, Shen Jimei recognized his car and waited for him here on purpose.

    The car stopped, Shen Jimei walked to the rear window and knocked, Lu Junting rolled the window down, his condensed expression seemed to tell the person that he had limited patience.

    "Anything?" Lu Junting asked her.

    Shen Jimei knew how hateful Lu Junting was when she was impatient with someone, so she simply said straight to the point: "Why does your wife look like me, is she the substitute you're looking for? You fall in love with me, right Lu Junting?"

      Who is the substitute?"


    Lin Xiyu forgot about Lu Junting's ex-girlfriend within a few days, that is, when she learned that she was used as a substitute, she felt uncomfortable for a while.

    Perhaps she has a good impression of Lu Junting, because he is the father of her child, because of his considerate care, but she knows that she and Lu Junting are not the same, and neither is the type that likes each other, The good feelings for him are not out of liking or love, but for the same purpose - the hope that the child will be born smoothly.

    Lin Xiyu is very open, as long as everyone is in peace before the child is born.

    This afternoon, Lin Xiyu received a call from Mrs. Lu as soon as she drank the soup to protect the miscarriage. Mrs. Lu said she wanted to introduce someone to her.

    "She is my nephew's daughter-in-law. She has just given birth to a baby and has given birth to a little princess. She is very chubby and cute. You can share your experience when you get to know her. She is a very humorous person. , very funny."

    Lin Xiyu was worried that there were too few pregnant women she knew to communicate with others. After hearing what Mrs. Lu said, she agreed after a while.

    The old lady Lu said again: "Then you take time to come back, first come to the house to get to know each other, and if you can talk, add contact information to each other."

    After Lu Junting came back from get off work, Lin Xiyu told him about it. Lu Junting had no reason to object and said, "I'll take you back this weekend."

    "It's fine, just let the driver take me back."

    Lu Junting said, "I just have something to discuss with grandpa."

    Okay, Lin Xiyu will not delay anymore.

    The two went back to Lu's house together at the weekend. Mrs. Lu dragged Lin Xiyu and chatted for a while. Lu Yuan happened to be at home too, and leaned in front of Lin Xiyu to talk to her.

    Old Mrs. Lu saw that it was almost time, and ordered the maid to wait for Miss Sun at the door. Miss Sun just came to pick her up.

    Shen Jimei knew that Lu Junting lived outside, but she didn't know the exact address, but she knew the address of Lu's house. A friend of hers and Lu Junting's friend were in a relationship, and she also met through this friend Lu Junting, the friend told him the address of Lu's house.

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