Chapter 29: You are my little friend

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Lin Xiyu's face turned red as soon as he brushed it, why could he say this in such a calm, chat-like tone?

    Lin Xiyu bit her lip, embarrassed, "No."

    "Really? No need for some medicine?"

    A tone that seems to be negotiating something. Lin Xiyu was even more embarrassed, and said, "It's okay, it's not broken, don't ask any more."

    He said again: "Why are you ashamed, am I not your husband?"

    It's true that he is her husband, and it's true that they have done the most intimate things, but she always feels that they are not familiar enough to reveal any privacy to each other generously.

    "No, it's really fine."

    He simply did not continue the topic. He put her arm around her waist and put her on the bed, Lin Xiyu hurriedly said to him, "Brother Junting, can you rest tonight?"

    Lu Junting put the man in his arms and said, "I didn't say I would do it."


      It's like he's next to a stove.

    "What's your plan this weekend?" he asked suddenly.

    "I'll take my baby out to play."


    "Where to go is undecided, just a place with a lot of people. Good baby likes to be lively."

    "I'll accompany you."

    "Ah?" Lin Xiyu was surprised, "Aren't you busy?"

    Lu Junting socializes a lot, and someone will ask him out on weekends.

    Lu Junting said: "I will spare time to accompany your mother and son. Don't you blame me for not going home often? I will spend more time with you in the future."


    When did she blame him for not coming home so often? Lin Xiyu felt that he must have misunderstood her meaning, and she quickly explained: "I don't blame you. Brother Jun Ting, just do your job. My baby and I are very good, and you don't need to spend time with us."

    Lu Junting was silent for a long time. His silence couldn't help but make Lin Xiyu's heart lift. Lin Xiyu felt that she was very understanding, but his silence made her feel that he didn't seem to be satisfied.

    Lin Xiyu was wondering when he heard the man behind him say, "So you don't want me to accompany you?"


    Lin Xiyu tilted her head to avoid his lips, and said, "No, I'm just afraid of delaying Brother Jun Ting's time."

    "I'm not afraid of you."


    "I'll accompany you tomorrow."

    The declarative sentence is used, and when wrapped in his aura, it gives people a meaning that cannot be rejected.

    Lin Xiyu responded, "Okay."

    Actually, she didn't want him to accompany them very much. She and Baobao were more at ease when he was away.

    After having breakfast early on weekends, the family went out in a nanny car. This time they went to a cultural snack street, where there were many people and a lot of food.

    The car was parked, Lin Xiyu took the baby bag and was about to put it on her body when Lu Junting said to her, "I'll take him."

    Lin Xiyu glanced at him, today he is wearing a very casual dress, a white inner layer, a black and gray casual jacket, black casual pants and a pair of casual leather shoes, his figure is The proportions are very good, the shoulders are wide and the legs are long, this dress looks very stylish on him.

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