Chapter 39: It turns out he helped her so much

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Even if Lin Xiyu and Lu Junting are officially divorced, Lin Xiyu has not been back to Lu's house for a long time, for fear that everyone will be embarrassed to meet each other.

    The most difficult part of a divorce was the inability to see children every day. Lin Xiyu wanted to see the child, but she couldn't go to the place where Lu Junting lived, nor to Lu's house. At this time, her best friend came in handy.

    Lu Yuan knew that she wanted to bear Subaru, and took advantage of Lu Junting's business trip to bring the child out, in the park next to Moon Bay No. 1.

    Lin Xiyu was waiting in the park, and after a while, she saw Lu Yuan pushing a stroller over, Lin Xiyu hurried over, and Baobao saw that her mother was very happy, and extended her hand to her early in the morning. Lin Xiyu hurriedly picked up the child and kissed his cheek, his forehead, and his nose.

    "My dear, my dear mother loves you, my mother misses you very much, my mother doesn't want you, my mother just can't take you away from your father."

    She rubbed his cheek and said she loved him over and over again.

    Lin Xiyu bought a small toy that Gubao likes. Gubao likes toys that can be moved section by section, such as toy snakes, toy caterpillars, and bamboo dragonflies.

    Lin Xiyu was playing with him in the park with Gubao, and Lu Yuan was nearby to prevent the wind, afraid that Lu Junting would come back suddenly.

      Jumping, Lin Xiyu reluctantly kissed her son on the face several times before putting him in the stroller, and Lu Yuan hurriedly pushed the stroller back through the back door.

    When Lu Junting came back, he didn't see Cheng Subaru and asked, Lu Yuan hurriedly came back from the backyard and said to him: "Big brother is back? I think the weather is good today, so I took Cheng Subaru out to play. "

    Seeing her, Lu Junting asked, "Why are you here?"

    Lu Yuan laughed and laughed, "I haven't seen my little nephew for a long time, I miss him."

    Lu Junting didn't ask any more questions, he came over and picked up the baby, but as soon as he picked it up, he saw a bamboo dragonfly falling from the baby, and the baby hurriedly stretched out his hand and said anxiously: "Mommy mommy."

    Lu Yuan's heart suddenly froze, she looked at Lu Junting, his expression did not change much, he picked up the bamboo dragonfly and handed it to the little guy, asking him, "Your mother gave it to you? "

    The little guy took the bamboo dragonfly and shook it happily, then giggled, "Mom, mom."

    Lu Yuan was scared to death, afraid that Lu Junting would ask her, but to her surprise, Lu Junting didn't say anything and went upstairs with the child.

     Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. She felt her legs soften, and hurriedly leaned against the wall and sat on the sofa to take a breath.

    When Lu Yuan told Lin Xiyu about this later, Lin Xiyu was also frightened at first, but when Lu Yuan said that Lu Junting didn't pursue her, she couldn't help but be surprised.

    Although Lu Junting didn't mention in the agreement that she could not see the child, he told her before that she would never see the child if he agreed to the divorce. Even she thought it was incredible, he just turned one eye and closed the other, knowing that she went to see the child and would not pursue it.

    However, Lu Junting takes the good treasure very seriously. Basically, he takes his children to work every day. The other half of his office has been converted into a small playground with a lot of inflatable Children's toy facilities, baby can play on it.

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