Chapter 38: Hee Hee I love you, don't leave me

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Lin Xiyu struggled subconsciously, and he immediately tightened his arms, fearing that he would accidentally let her escape.

    "Will you go back with me? I can't live without you."

    His slightly hoarse voice sounded in her ear. The tone of his speech surprised her, it was low and seemed to be pleading. In her impression, he has always been strong, he speaks with confidence, and he has a kind of innate self-confidence. This is the first time she has heard such a weak tone like asking for help.

      the taste of.

    "Brother Jun Ting, let's get together."

     After she finished speaking, she wanted to break his hand away, but after he was stiff for a moment, he hugged her tighter, he buried his face in her shoulder, she heard his deep breathing After a while, he said: "Xixi, I love you, I really love you, I can't live without you, don't leave me, okay?"

      Deep meaning.

    He told her that he loved her, much to her astonishment. Would a man like him say love to a woman?

    At that moment, she even had an idea, she felt that he might really love her, loved her for a long time, and loved her when she didn't know it.

    But she immediately thought that this man was full of lies, that he had a deep mind, that he could play anyone with applause, and that he lied without blinking, deceiving her.

    Her silence made his heart sink a little bit, and she seemed to be telling him that she was unmoved by his words.

    He tried his best to keep her, but she was unmoved.

    He finally let go of her little by little, Lin Xiyu broke away from his arms, turned to look at him, but Lu Junting's expression at this time shocked Lin Xiyu, not saying that How terrifying his expression was, but such an expression appeared on a person like Lu Junting, it was too discordant.

      A look of pain appeared on his face.

    At this time, his expression made people feel that he was suffering some kind of pain that he could not bear, and even his strong temperament became depressed.

    As if giving him another blow, he would be overwhelmed and fall down.

    Looking at him like this, Lin Xiyu didn't know how to react for a long time, she really didn't understand why he showed the way she hurt him, but it was clearly he was deceiving her, didn't she? ?

    Use her as a substitute, trick her into giving birth to a child, and use him, which one is not too much? But people all have compassion, not to mention that this man is the father of her child no matter what, she can no longer say heavy words to him, sighed softly and said: "Brother Junting, we really There is no way to continue."

    After she finished speaking, she turned around and entered the room. This time he was not catching up. She looked down from the window, and Lu Junting was still standing there, bowing his back slightly. The posture of being hit hard. The weather in the spring is obviously warm and warm, but his figure looks lonely and lonely, standing in the sun, but he seems to be standing in another parallel world, in that world, the sun can't even shine in, looking around, there is only desolateness. and loneliness.

    She took a deep breath, pulled the curtains up and turned her back to the bottom. She adjusted her breathing and slowly calmed down the discomfort.

    Lu Junting stood on that day until the sunset completely sank before leaving. She thought she had already said so, and he should have figured it out, but he didn't expect that he would keep giving her from the next day text.

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