Chapter 26: You got a green light over your head, you know?

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Because of Lu Junting's words, Lin Xiyu didn't sleep well this night, she was uneasy, and she was afraid that someone would suddenly knock on her door, but she was very calm all night.

    The next day Lin Xiyu finished breastfeeding the child, and deliberately dawdled for a while before going downstairs. To her surprise, Lu Junting hadn't left yet.

    Lu Junting was drinking coffee. As soon as Lin Xiyu saw him, thinking of what he said to Sister Wu yesterday, she felt that her breathing was half a beat, and she didn't dare to look at him.

    "Brother Jun Ting hasn't gone to work yet?"

    "I'll be there in a while, and I'll be back with you after work."

    Why do you have to stress that you will come back to accompany them? Lin Xiyu hurriedly said, "It's alright, it's alright, Brother Jun Ting, just do your job. My baby and I are fine at home."

    Lu Junting glanced at her meaningfully, he thought her expression was very strange, he didn't even look at him when he talked, and he didn't seem to like him to accompany their mother and son. similar.

    Lu Junting raised his hand and glanced at his watch, he said, "It's getting late, I'll go out first."

    It was not until the car that Lu Junting was sitting in disappeared that Lin Xiyu was relieved.

    The thing that worried her didn't appear, he didn't ask her about the same room, so he just asked Sister Wu casually about that yesterday?

    However, why did he ask Sister Wu such a question?

    Lin Xiyu went to the club after dinner. Before getting off work, Du Ruoting suddenly came in and said to her, "Auntie, someone is looking for you outside."

    Lin Xiyu looked puzzled, "Who is it? Did you say his name?"

    "I didn't say." Du Ruoting winked at her, "Just a handsome guy." She leaned over and bumped her shoulder, "Your suitor or boyfriend?"

    Lin Xiyu: "..."

    Isn't Lu Junting looking for him? Why did Lu Junting come here to find her?

    Lin Xiyu walked out nervously, but there was no one outside the door. There is a basketball court outside the Boyu Calligraphy Club, and a boy is playing on the court at the moment.

    Looking around, the person who only plays ball nearby, is he looking for her? Lin Xiyu glanced at the person, although she was far away, she still judged from the person's shape that it was not Lu Junting.

    She breathed a sigh of relief and walked to the basketball court.

     Walking a little closer, Lin Xiyu could also see the face of the man. She felt that this man looked a little familiar. She searched in her memory, and soon a picture popped up in her mind. face.

    The outline is a bit similar, but after all, so many years have passed, she is not sure.

    It shouldn't be that person. In her memory, that person has always been sick. He couldn't breathe even after taking two steps, let alone playing.

    The boy who was playing also saw her, he threw the basketball and walked towards her with his coat. He was wearing a loose sweater, a pair of black slacks, and a pair of sneakers, dressed casually.

    "Lin Xiyu?" He walked over to greet her.

    The boy wears a pair of glasses and has a delicate face, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and a shallow pear vortex on one side of his face. Lin Xiyu recognized him on his face for a while, and it was indeed very similar to the person she remembered. She thought that person should look like this when they grew up, but she wasn't sure.

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