Chapter 20: Little girl, I'm not a gentleman

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Lu Junting has agreed to Lin Xiyu's words, and it is difficult to say it. After all, in the eyes of the Lu family, they are in a normal love and marriage, and it is reasonable for Lu Junting to stay here as a husband to take care of his wife.

    After a while, Mrs. Lu took someone out, leaving Lu Junting and Lin Xiyu in the room. Lin Xiyu felt uncomfortable thinking that the two of them would sleep together for a while, but when she thought that she had just vomited, they didn't dislike her, and she helped her with her hair. She thought that she agreed to stay and sleep with her just for the convenience of taking care of her, and she didn't need to. think so much.

    Lin Xiyu felt that she should be grateful, she said: "Thank you Jun Ting just now, so disgusting you still help me..."

    "You don't have to be so polite with me." Unlike her discomfort, Lu Junting was quite calm, and asked her again, "Are you going to take a bath?"

    Lin Xiyu had just vomited, and there was a smell on her body, she said, "Go."

    She took a change of clothes, and Lu Junting asked again, "Do you need my help?"

    Lin Xiyu: "..."

    He asked very naturally, as if helping her to take a bath was just an effort.

    What does he do when she goes to take a bath? But he didn't seem to have been unhelpful. That night, he carried the drowsy her to wash. Lin Xiyu felt a little hot on her cheeks, she said, "No need."

    Lin Xiyu took a shower and washed her hair. When she left the room, she saw Lu Junting with a change of clothes ready to go in. Lin Xiyu said, "Let's go in after cleaning."

    "It's okay." Lu Junting left those words and went in directly.

    Lin Xiyu couldn't help but be surprised, Lu Junting has a slight habit of cleanliness and doesn't like the smell. She washed her hair, and there was a lot of hair on the bathroom floor, but he didn't think he would mind.

    Lu Junting came out of the shower, Lin Xiyu just finished the porridge brought by Sister Wu, and the stomach felt much more comfortable after drinking the porridge. Lu Junting asked her, "Is it better?"

    "Much better."

    I don't know if I could see Lin Xiyu's unease, Lu Junting said: "I'll stay here to take care of you, grandma and the others can rest assured, just lie down and sleep together, you don't have to think too much."

    Lin Xiyu nodded awkwardly.

    In fact, she didn't think too much, she was just uncomfortable with him.

    Lu Junting was wearing a bathrobe, and the front of the shirt was slightly open to reveal a small chest. Lin Xiyu looked away and shrank into the quilt. Seeing this, Lu Junting asked, "Are you going to sleep?"

    "Yes." Lin Xiyu replied in a low voice.

    Lu Junting pulled off the quilt and lay down on the bed, then with a click, he turned off the light and the room went dark. Lin Xiyu felt that her back was slowly starting to stiffen, and Lu Junting was lying beside her. Although she had a ridiculous night with him, she drank too much that day and her mind was not clear, but now, she has all her senses.

    She soon smelled the cold smell on him, and drilled into her nose faintly. The room was so silent that she could even hear the beating of her heart in her chest.


    Lu Junting's voice suddenly sounded, and his magnetic voice seemed to have penetrating power in the silence.

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