Chapter 24: was spit all over

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However, he deliberately covered it up, and the awe-inspiring eyebrows also showed a bit of tenderness at the moment.

    The two people, one big and one small, together have a sense of contrasting harmony.

    "Lu Chengsubaru, take a good look, I'm your dad." Lu Junting said softly to his son, "I hugged you, remember me?"

    However, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Gubao frown suddenly, Lin Xiyu has experience, and secretly screamed bad, but it was too late.


    Beautiful baby squirted a mouthful of milk on Lu Junting's expensive haute couture shirt.

    Lu Junting: "..."


    Lin Xiyu immediately read Lu Junting's eyes at the moment, as if saying "if you weren't my son, you would be finished today". Lin Xiyu was startled, hurriedly ran over and hugged the baby, and explained in a slightly nervous tone: "He just drank milk, and the posture of holding it is wrong, it is easy to spit up."

    The helper hurriedly stepped forward to take off the floor, took a tissue and wiped it for Lu Junting, while Lu Junting wiped the milk on his body, he looked at the culprit, who was burping in his mother's arms, His mother gave him a gentle back.

    "It's rare to hug you once and reward me with milk. You are really my good son."

    Lu Junting said and stood up and walked upstairs while unbuttoning his shirt. Lin Xiyu hurriedly took two steps away when he saw him coming up. baby in her arms.

    Her actions made Lu Junting very puzzled. His words just now were not abnormal. She seemed really worried about what he would do to that stinky boy.

    She didn't even think about it, even if he ruined a shirt, it was his cub, what could he do with him?

    Why is this baby like this?

    Lu Junting went to change his clothes and got off. The two of them had dinner together, and they talked about the recent situation. Good baby's routine is very regular. After drinking the last sip of milk at 8 o'clock in the evening, he fell asleep on time. Lin Xiyu was with him all the time.

    Lu Junting came back, and Lin Xiyu had to start worrying about some things, but she didn't forget that she had discussed with Lu Junting before that the divorce would be after the child was born.

    Although Lu Junting hasn't talked about this yet, it doesn't mean that he doesn't take things seriously. Lin Xiyu looked at the baby in his arms, he was still so young.

    Before the child was born, she didn't take it seriously at all. She felt that she could be free and easy, and even thought that she could never see the child, but after the child was born, she realized that things were not so simple.

    She was reluctant, very reluctant. I can't even think about going to a class, let alone being separated for a long time.

    Lin Xiyu shook her head, don't think about it anymore, anyway, now that the baby is still breastfeeding, Lu Junting can't let her go at this time.

    Lin Xiyu handed the baby over to the nanny after breastfeeding in the morning. Before going to work, she would express the milk that the baby was going to drink today and prepare it. No device can be used.

    There was a sudden knock on the door, Lin Xiyu thought it was the nanny who came in to get milk, so she responded, "Come in."

    She heard the door open and footsteps came in, but Lin Xiyu didn't look back and said, "Wait a little longer."

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