Chapter 33: grabbed her hand and slapped his face directly...

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When Lin Xiyu came out of Lu Junting's study again, her hair was messy, and her face was full of suspicious blush, as if she had done something bad and was afraid of being caught, she hurried back to the room, first Go to the bathroom to wash up.

    Lin Xiyu looked at the person in the mirror, brushing her teeth and thinking, how could someone make such a shameless request with such a frank expression.

    After Lin Xiyu brushed her teeth, she opened the mirror locker angrily and prepared to take out skin care products, probably because she acted too hastily and put the calcium tablets in Lu Junting in the locker out of place. Carefully put it on the ground, Lin Xiyu picked it up, she felt that the weight was not right, she glanced at the production date of the calcium tablet, it was the same as the production date when she saw it last time, it should be the same bottle. It's been so long, how come there are still so many, and he doesn't even eat it when he buys it?

Lin Xiyu no longer wanted to care about his shamelessness, she asked: "Why don't you eat the calcium tablets you put in the bathroom locker? The last time I saw it, there were still so many, It's been a long time since."

    Lu Junting said: "Well, I won't eat it."

    "Ah? Why? What a waste."

    Lu Junting came up and suddenly picked her up, he hugged her, spread her legs and let her sit on his lap, he seemed to like to hug her in this position, Lin Xiyu felt embarrassed every time he was hugged like this, but he enjoyed it very much. He lowered his head and kissed her gently on the tip of her nose. The kiss was more impactful than when he kissed her deeply. Her heart trembled subconsciously.

    He said softly with a smiling voice: "Because there is no need to eat any more."

    What is the need or not for calcium tablets, but Lin Xiyu didn't ask much, just thought it would be a waste not to eat such a big box.

    After hugging like this for a while, Lu Junting suddenly said, "You've been too tired with your children recently, I'll take you out to relax this weekend."

    "Huh? Where?"

    "It's cold now, how about going to the hot spring? It's the same place last time."

    "Last time?"

    "Our first."

    Lin Xiyu said without thinking, "I don't want, I don't want to go there."


    Lin Xiyu couldn't say why, but she just didn't want to go.

    "Why don't you talk? Why don't you want to go?"

    Lin Xiyu heard that Lu Junting's tone was not very good, she looked up at him, and saw that his face was cold, her resistance seemed to make him unhappy. Lin Xiyu also felt that it was a bit hurtful that she refused to go without thinking, but she really didn't want to go.

The top two buttons of Lu Junting's shirt were untied, and Lin Xiyu grabbed the fronts of his shirt, softened his voice and discussed with him: "Is it okay if you don't go there? ?"

    Lu Junting also doesn't understand, both of them are married now and have a child, why are they still so resistant to the place where they first happened, her resistance gave Lu Junting a kind of feeling that has been going on for so long. The feeling of wasting all his energy together made him feel that she still didn't recognize him, and he was naturally uncomfortable.

    Lu Junting lowered her head and glanced at the pair of small claws caught on the front of his clothes, her voice was soft and waxy, but it had a kind of charm, listening to her ears, it was really... Feeling, the unpleasant feeling in my heart disappeared in an instant. Even as if he was afraid of scaring her, he softened his expression and said to her, "Okay, if you don't want to go, don't go, tell me where you want to go."

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