Chapter 43:Brother Junting, let's remarry

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Talk about it.

    Lin Xiyu adjusted her breath and said to him directly: "Brother Junting, I know all about you helping my family repay the debt, and I also know that my tuition and living expenses for these years are all You gave it, thank you."

    Lu Junting was waiting for her to return the clothes, and he would probably say something like "you don't need to give me clothes". Anyway, whether he was intentional or not, she didn't care, he took out The document was ready to be read, and she responded lightly while waiting for her to return the clothes. But she didn't expect her to say this when she opened her mouth.

    Lu Junting was surprised, how did she know about this? So the reason for the change in his attitude towards him during this period of time is because of this matter, not because of being able to get along with the child more, but because he is grateful to him?

    Lin Xiyu continued: "I'm sorry Brother Jun Ting, I never knew about it. Before the divorce, I knew that Brother Jun Ting lied to me and gave birth to a child, and I had a grudge, so I didn't care about it. You divorced, and I only found out later that you helped my family repay the debt. I thought about it carefully. It was wrong for you to lie to me to give birth to a child, but you helped me repay the debt. You paid me to go to school and let me live. You For me, it is also my benefactor. My gratitude to you far exceeds my hatred for you, so I don't want to care about the things you lied to me at the beginning, and I choose to forgive the past. "

    Don't care? Don't care that he lied to her? Just because of that 10 million? He still remembered that he had just taken over Changheng at that time, his position had not yet been firmly established, and he was also restrained in many ways when he acted in the company. It was indeed not easy for him to get the more than 10 million yuan back then, but now it seems that the money is still spent. It's worth it.

      He responded by placing his hands on the table subconsciously and clenching his hands to calm down the violent ups and downs.

    Lin Xiyu did not wait for his response for a long time after she finished speaking, she secretly looked at his expression, his expression did not change much, the dark eyes were too deep and sophisticated, making people look well.

     Originally, she had made up her mind to say these words, so when he stared at her like this, she gradually became uneasy, and her heartbeat also accelerated a little under his direct gaze. The shyness of the attention made her cheeks start to heat, she lowered her head slightly, thinking to herself, why doesn't he speak?

    " forgive me, and..."

    His voice came suddenly.

    "That..." Lin Xiyu rubbed her palms nervously, but still didn't dare to look at his face, "Actually, I think...if Brother Jun Ting also has the will, or..." She took a peek. A glance at his expression, "How about we remarry?"

    Lu Junting: "..."

    The weather is not very good today, it was already foggy outside at noon, and it was about to rain. But Lu Junting felt that his eyes suddenly lit up, the clouds cleared and the fog dispersed, and suddenly the sky was clear.

    "Let's remarry."

    What is she talking about, she actually asked him to remarry?

    Lu Junting has never been a person who accepts fate. He is used to taking everything in his own hands. He knows calculations and is good at guessing people's hearts, but when she desperately wanted to divorce him, he didn't care. arrived.

    From that day on, he felt like he was knocked to the ground by fate, and he believed in fate for the first time.

    The last person she wants to marry is him.

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