Chapter 47: I seem to like you

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At this time, he must calm himself down. Now everyone gets along quite harmoniously, and he can't do bad things because of impulsiveness.

    Regardless of whether she was listening carefully, he pointed to the design draft and continued to speak.

    However, in Lin Xiyu's opinion, Brother Jun Ting has always been very serious about talking to her, serious and polite. She somehow felt a sense of loss, as if something was missing.

    "That's about it."

    After Lu Junting finished speaking, he looked at her and saw that the little girl was still staring at him. Lu Junting adjusted his breathing and called her in a deep voice, "Lin Xiyu."

    Lin Xiyu came back to her senses and looked at him with a bewildered expression. Lu Junting said again: "Probably these are the suggestions."

    Lin Xiyu: "..."

    She didn't hear any suggestion, but Lin Xiyu didn't dare to ask, it seemed that she was stupid. She took the manuscript and said, "Thank you, Brother Junting, I'll go and correct it first."

    After Lin Xiyu returned to the room, she looked at the manuscript but was at a loss. She really didn't hear what he was saying just now. Lin Xiyu began to wonder if there was something wrong with him, what was he thinking about.

    In the study, Lu Junting didn't breathe a sigh of relief until Lin Xiyu left. Does this little girl know what her approach means to him, and she dressed up and ran to him, If he didn't know that this girl couldn't like him, he would doubt if she was seduce him.

    Lu Junting also discovered that something was wrong with this little girl during this time, and always gave him the feeling that she was approaching him, but he couldn't understand why.

    When Lu Junting went downstairs the next morning, he saw Lin Xiyu sitting on the sofa, and her son sat obediently eating breakfast.

    "Brother Junting, are you up?" She greeted him with a smile.

    Just smiled at him like that, and Lu Junting felt that his breathing slowed for half a beat. Lu Junting lowered his head and coughed slightly, making his face more natural, and replied, "Well, I got up."

    "It seems that I have to change the medicine today, can Brother Jun Ting help me change it?"


    She can ask a helper for help with dressing change, how can she still give him the feeling that she is waiting for him to get up to help her change her dressing?

    But Lu Junting didn't think too much about it and said, "Follow me."

    Lin Xiyu followed Lu Junting to the storage room, and Lu Junting helped her change the medicine.


    After Lu Junting said something, he didn't wait to answer, he looked at her and found that the little girl was still staring at his fingers.

    Why not look at his legs or at his hands, what is going on with this little girl? However, Lu Junting knew how to ease his discomfort, so he pretended to be calm and asked her, "When will the design draft be submitted?"

     Lin Xiyu then came back to her senses and said, "Go tomorrow afternoon."

    Seeing her come back to her senses, Lu Junting pointed at her, "Okay."

    Lin Xiyu hurriedly said, "Thank you, Brother Junting."

    "You're welcome."

    The two came out of the storage room, and somehow Lu Junting breathed a sigh of relief.

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