Chapter 45:is very attractive to women

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I didn't touch it for too long, Lin Xiyu moved his head away, embarrassed, and didn't dare to look at the man.

Lin Xiyu received a call from Changheng's publicity department shortly after going to work the next day, asking her to come to Changheng and bring her design draft.

    Yesterday she refused the vice president, and Changheng contacted her today, Lin Xiyu guessed, it was mostly because she refused the vice manager's unreasonable request, so the other party wanted to give her small shoes , It's probably not a good thing to call her to Changheng in such a hurry. However, Lin Xiyu does not insist on the manuscript. She and Changheng are in contact with Lu Junting and their children. Now she and Lu Junting are planning to remarry. It doesn't matter if they cooperate or not. .

    Lin Xiyu came to Changheng as scheduled. In addition to the vice president Wu Lin, the general manager He Shuo was also there, the designer of the advertising company was also there, and there were several Changheng employees who seemed to have all the qualifications. Not shallow.

    After Lin Xiyu arrived, Wu Lin said directly: "Last time, I didn't say that I would reply to the two of you in a few days, so calling everyone here today is to give you an answer."

    Wu Lin originally planned to severely demoralize Lin Xiyu's design draft in front of people and frustrate her spirit. Who knew that before he could speak, He Shuo suddenly received a call and hung up the phone After that, his expression changed, and he hurriedly stood up and said, "Wait a minute, President Lu is here."

    Other people's expressions changed greatly after hearing this, and they all stood up.

    Lin Xiyu thought to herself, is Mr. Lu in He Shuo's mouth Lu Junting?

    Sure enough, after He Shuo went out, he was greeted by a tall and straight figure, who wasn't Lu Junting?

    Lin Xiyu suddenly saw this man, and her heart beat a few beats unconsciously. When Lin Xiyu was a girl, she had never met a boy who could make her heart beat faster just by looking at her. She never thought that she had been married and had children. Now, the father who looked at her child, his heart beat faster like a little girl.

    Lin Xiyu felt that Lu Junting was a poisonous man.

    As soon as Lu Junting came in, everyone in the room stood up to greet him, Lu Junting said, "You're welcome, just sit down."

    After sitting down, He Shuo said, "Mr. Lu came just right. We are discussing the issue of the design draft. Mr. Lu should first see if he is satisfied."

    He Shuo handed over the two design drafts, Lu Junting glanced at it at will, there was a signature under the design draft, of course he wouldn't even recognize his wife's signature, he held Lin Xiyu's Zhang Yaozi said: "Ms. Lin's design of the word 'Changheng' is quite distinctive. She is indeed a calligrapher, and her writing is very artistic."

    Praising her in such an official tone in front of so many people really embarrassed her. Lin Xiyu's smile was not natural, "Mr. Lu has won the prize."

    Lu Junting said: "I just passed by this side, and I heard that there is a discussion about Changheng's new billboard, so I stopped by to have a look, I hope I didn't disturb you."

    He Shuo hurriedly said, "Of course not."

    Lu Junting stood up, "You guys are busy with yours first, I still have things to do."

    He Shuo hurriedly got up to say goodbye, "Mr. Lu, walk slowly."

    Because Lu Junting came here, Wu Lin's plan was undoubtedly disrupted. He originally wanted to demean Lin Xiyu's manuscript in front of people, and then sweep her out of this place. The cooperation this time, let her know his greatness. Who knew that boss 5 Lu suddenly came, and directly affirmed Lin Xiyu's design draft in front of people. Everyone can see that President Lu is satisfied with Lin Xiyu's manuscript. If he still uses the manuscript given by the advertising company, wouldn't he deliberately go against Big Boss Lu? Although Wu Lin's uncle is a shareholder of Changheng, Lu Junting is the chairman of the board of directors. Of course he doesn't have the ability to fight against Lu Junting.

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