Chapter 16: Is he going to touch her belly?

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The place where Lu Junting lives is called "No. 1 Moon Bay", which is a famous mansion in Ancheng. It is located in one of several major business districts in Ancheng and is very close to the headquarters of Changheng Group. Lu Junting lives here very conveniently.

    Moon Bay No. 1 is a villa area. As a super mansion, the natural facilities in the community are complete, the greening is also done well, and the environment is elegant and quiet. It is quite suitable for raising a baby.

    The car stopped at the door, the assistant helped Lin Xiyu with the luggage, Lu Junting personally escorted her to the door, the servant who specially took care of Lin Xiyu was already waiting, came forward and greeted warmly: "Mrs. Lu, you Well, my surname is Wu, I'm a little older than you, you can just call me Sister Wu."

    The voice of Mrs. Lu is really uncomfortable.

    Sister Wu looks to be in her early forties, with a standard smile on her face, wearing simple home clothes, her hair is all pulled back, and her nails are neatly trimmed. A neat person.

    This was specially invited by Lu Junting to take care of Lin Xiyu. He also called the cook and cleaning helper to get acquainted with Lin Xiyu.

    Lu Junting explained a few words to Sister Wu. He still has something to do, so he left first. Sister Wu took Lin Xiyu to her room first. The villa is equipped with an elevator, two floors on the ground plus a loft, and two floors below, one for entertainment, one for parking, and a large garden behind the villa.

    Lin Xiyu's room is very large, decorated in European light luxury style. The room also comes with a toilet and toilet, and there is a large beautiful bathtub in the toilet.

    Sister Wu took Lin Xiyu to briefly familiarize herself with the surrounding environment, and after a toss, it was afternoon. Lin Xiyu felt that this place was pretty good, the environment was quiet, not many people, and the living environment was quite comfortable. As long as Lu Junting didn't come back often, she would live more comfortably.

    However, there was one thing that made Lin Xiyu not satisfied. At this time, Lin Xiyu stood in the backyard, looked at the barren yard overgrown with weeds, and said, "Is this yard unattended?"

    Sister Wu replied: "Mr. Lu didn't find a special person to take care of it, and we don't dare to do it casually."

    This desolate yard looks really inconspicuous, deserted, without any vitality, Lin Xiyu felt a pity, "It's great to grow some flowers and plants, and you can also grow some vegetables, look at It was also very lively."

    Lin Xiyu just subconsciously sighed, but when the words fell, a deep voice suddenly remembered behind him: "If you want to do it, do it."

    Lin Xiyu looked back, and saw Lu Junting standing behind her at some point, Lin Xiyu was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly said, "No, I'll just say it casually."

    Lu Junting said: "If you are interested, I will hand over this yard to you. You are the hostess of this house now, and you have the right to handle everything in this house."


    At this moment, it was evening, and the pale golden sunlight slanted down, and he just stood facing the light. A halo shrouded him, and the warm color seemed to dilute the solemn and stern feeling on his body. His eyebrows and eyes seemed to soften, and his eyes were illuminated by red-golden light. He was not smiling at the moment, but his eyes He seemed to have a smile on his face.

    At this moment, Lu Junting no longer had the daunting seriousness, his eyebrows softened, and he actually gave people a kind of beauty like the breeze and the moon. His sentence "You are the mistress of this family" All with a warm jade-like warmth.

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