Chapter 36:Have you really never loved me?

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Lin Xiyu said: "There is nothing to discuss, I remember we agreed before we got married, and we will divorce after we have children."

    "I didn't think about getting a divorce, even if I promised you at that time, it was just an expedient measure."

    Hearing this, Lin Xiyu's heart was even colder, he really, what else did he lie to her and she didn't know?

    "I lied to you, but I lied to you for a reason, if you really destroyed Cheng Subaru, now Cheng Subaru does not exist, do you understand? I will make up for it in the future, you It can also be seen that I have never treated your mother and son harshly. Everything can be resolved, please don't divorce."

    He held her hand and kept his voice down, as if he was coaxing her. Lin Xiyu didn't even want to listen to him now, she suddenly pulled her hand away, packed the things, and closed the box, Lu Junting came back to his senses and hurriedly said, "Are you really going? No more children? He You're still so young, you're willing to ignore him?"

    Did he decide that she would not get a divorce when she had a child, so she suggested that he would agree to divorce after the child was born, because he knew that she could not run away, and she would just have a child With chips tied to her. Not only can he control her life, but he even knows her thoughts. He is really a man who is good at penetrating people's hearts.

    Lin Xiyu carried the suitcase and turned to face him, the sky outside the window was very good, blue sky and white clouds, just like that day, the family went out to play together, he bought a balloon she liked for her, he Said that she was also a child. His tender eyebrows and eyes that day made her heart soft. The balloons he bought for her are still hanging on the head of her bed.

    "My mother was a college professor and an educator, she taught me to be self-respect and independent, before I became anyone's wife or anyone's mother I was myself first, I was independent A person, you don't have to use the child to restrain me, I love him, but I will not ruin my own life for him and live with a person who deceives me."

     After she finished speaking, she pulled the suitcase and turned to leave.

    In these years, Lu Junting has been working hard in the shopping mall, his heart has long been trained to be indestructible, and he has become accustomed to being calm in case of trouble, but now, his indestructibility is watching her turn and leave In an instant, the chapped cracked into pieces, his face was full of panic, and he chased after him without even thinking about it.

    Lin Xiyu went downstairs, and the nanny Wu Sister was playing with the baby. Seeing that she was carrying a suitcase, she asked, "Where is this going?"

    Guangbao saw her and hurriedly crawled over to her, Lin Xiyu walked over and hugged him, he didn't know anything, with a smile in his innocent eyes, he patted Calling her with a chubby little hand: "Mom."

    Cry and laugh.

    There was too much reluctance in her heart, but she knew that Lu Junting was watching from the side, watching her struggling and resisting, but she was still restrained by him after all.

    There was an air in her heart, she didn't want him to do so.

    She handed the child to Sister Wu and explained to her: "Take good care of him."

    After he finished speaking, he pulled the suitcase and walked out. The baby didn't know if he noticed something. He was anxious and called her with a crying voice.

    "Mom, Mom, Mom."

    One after another.

    Lin Xiyu stopped, at that moment, she really struggled, or just let it go, or stay with the baby, for the baby, she can compromise anything, even if she knew she was being Playing can also compromise.

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