Chapter 2: Why did he run into her room? ...

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 Lu Junting's eyes had a sense of sternness, Lin Xiyu's body froze unconsciously, she was startled, hurriedly restrained her smile and lowered her head to pretend to talk to Lu Yuan, and then secretly looked, Lu Junting was already looking elsewhere, but he just swept it away and didn't take it seriously, Lin Xiyu breathed a sigh of relief.

The old lady Lu said again: "Look at how old you are and don't have a girlfriend, when your father is as old as you, you can laugh and call grandma, if you know it You are busy with work, and if you don't know, people will think you have a problem."

Lu Junting raised his wrist and glanced at his watch, and said, "I will go to the branch to inspect later, so I won't be eating here today."

After he finished speaking, he got up and prepared to leave without waiting for Mrs. Lu to respond. When Mrs. Lu saw this, she couldn't help but put a bit of anger on her face, and he didn't listen to what she just said. Going in, she hurriedly said, "There will be guests coming in a while, what will happen to the guests when you leave?"

Lu Junting said lightly, "Grandma's guest grandma just say hello."


Old Mrs. Lu was so angry that he almost passed out, Zhang Yao hurried over to rub her head, patted her chest and persuaded: "Everyone has their own marriage. , Jun Ting's child has his own ideas, so don't worry about it, mother."

The old lady Lu sighed for a while, "If I don't worry about him again, who else will worry about him. This child wants to mad at me."

Lin Xiyu looked at Lu Junting's back, shook his head and sighed. He never thought that a person like Lu Junting would not be able to escape the fate of being urged to marry by an elder.

Not too happy about it.


On the first day of college graduation, Lu Yuan took Lin Xiyu to Beigong Mountain. First, to celebrate the successful graduation of the two, and secondly, Lu Yuan felt that she was cheated on and was pitiful, and said she would take her there. Relax.

In fact, she put it down long ago, and there is nothing to relax, but it is not bad to go out and play.

Beigong Mountain is not far from Ancheng, just on the outskirts of Ancheng, there are several hot spring pools, Lin Xiyu feels that it is not a wise move to go to hot springs in summer, but Lin Xiyu only knows why when he reaches the mountain There are so many people coming to the hot springs in the summer, and it is really cold on the mountain.

The room was booked early in the morning. It is difficult to book a room here. Lu Yuan only booked one room, and the two of them slept together at night. It's not embarrassing for the two of them to squeeze a quilt every so often, but when the two of them pushed open the door and saw the huge size in the room, as well as a very subtle mirror inlaid above the big bed, and the odd shape in the room, When they didn't look like a serious chair, their expressions were a bit complicated.

"What the **** is this place?" Lin Xiyu asked her.

"Who knows, this room is a suite of hot springs, I thought it would be more convenient to book, who knows it's a love-interest suite."


There is a sliding door at the back of the room. Lu Yuan pushed the door open, and there happened to be a hot spring outside. Lu Yuan said, "This hot spring is quite big, enough for two of us to soak in."

The only thing that can comfort Lin Xiyu is that this hot spring looks pretty good.

The two of them soaked in the hot spring and sat on the tatami next to the bed to watch the sunset.

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