Chapter 30: is a bit bad

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Lu Junting was born well, and he has a good upbringing in his bones. Although the outside world evaluates him as being very sophisticated and ruthless, but because of his good upbringing, he treats people with kindness. Polite, this kind of politeness will make people feel a sense of distance from him subconsciously, but since Lin Xiyu has been in the same room with him, he always feels that he likes to be intimate with people, and sometimes this kind of intentional intimacy with her will make people feel I think he's a little bad.

    As it is now, I don't know why I have to use such a shameful gesture to apply medicine to him.

    But he hurts her today and feels guilty, he thinks it will be like this. Lin Xiyu carefully helped him apply the medicine to his face. After applying the medicine, Lin Xiyu said, "Go ahead, I won't disturb you."

    Lu Junting didn't give her a chance to leave, he picked her up directly in this position, Lin Xiyu was afraid of falling, so he subconsciously wrapped his arms around his neck, so that the two were closer Now, Lin Xiyu's face became more and more hot, she bit her lip and said, "Brother Junting, what are you doing?"

    "I'll take you to rest, I've been busy all day and it's time to rest."

    "I can go by myself."

    Lin Xiyu struggled and was about to get off him, but the man said to her in a slightly altered tone, "You'll be up there tonight."


    Lin Xiyu didn't want to recall what happened later, but she did sum up an experience, on it... it really took a toll.

    Lin Xiyu came to look for her shortly after she arrived at the club the next day.

    "I'm sorry yesterday that I was too impulsive and made you embarrassed."

    Lu Junting didn't care anymore, and Lin Xiyu didn't need to care anymore, she said, "It's over, it's over, but don't be so impulsive in doing things in the future."

    "So what did Lu Junting tell you yesterday? Did he tell you that he suspects that I approached you to pay off my adoptive father's debt?"

    Lin Xiyu said: "He didn't say that, don't think about it."

    Lin Xigan's expression suddenly became solemn, he asked: "Lu Junting is the Lu Junting from Changheng Group, right?"

    Lin Xigan was probably unfamiliar with him when he first arrived in Ancheng. It was not surprising that he didn't know Lu Junting at first, but Lu Junting was still very easy to investigate, and Lin Xiyu did not deny it, "It's him, what's the matter."

    "I've seen reports about him, this man is manipulative and scheming, and what he experienced yesterday really confirmed this. No matter how he brainwashed you, but last night's It's not as he said, in fact he was deliberately provoking me, he deliberately asked me if I approached you to get your father's inheritance from you to pay my adoptive father's debt, he also deliberately said that I was ungrateful, yesterday I I didn't have time to record, but the situation at that time was really not what he described to you. The splashing water I was provoked by him yesterday was not because he said my purpose and became angry, but he touched my bottom line. Saying that I was ungrateful, that my adoptive parents should be ashamed for almost adopting me, that I have always felt guilty for not being able to contact my adoptive parents all these years, how could I not be angry when he said that."

    Lin Xiyu didn't really believe what he said. After all, she saw Lu Junting being polite to Lin Xigan with her own eyes. self-respecting.

    Lin Xiyu said, "Why did he anger you? It was the first time you met that day. You and him have no grievances and no grudges, so he can't do it."

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