Chapter 56: I just like the way you look like a little belly...

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Lin Xiyu was itchy and pushed his head, "Don't make trouble."

    Lu Junting smiled and stopped teasing her, he said, "I'm going to go on a business trip abroad in a few days."

    It is common for Lu Junting to travel on business, and Lin Xiyu doesn't take it too seriously. "Well, I will take good care of the children at home."

    "You come with me."

    Lin Xiyu looked at him suspiciously, "What about the child?"

    "Put him over with grandparents."


    Lin Xiyu always felt that the two of them were a little sorry for the children when they went out and let the good baby go alone at the grandparents' house, but Mr. Lu wanted to take her with him in high spirits, but it was a bit hurtful that she refused. So Lin Xiyu thought about it and asked, "Can I have a choice?"

    "Yes, two choices."


    "Be the first to accompany me."

    "What about the second one?"

    "Send the child to grandparents' house first and then accompany me."

    Lin Xiyu glanced at him, "Where is this choice for me?"

    "So, which one do you choose?"

    "Does it make a difference?"

    "There is a difference. If we choose to send the child to the grandparents' house first, we will leave later."


    It was Lu Junting's private plane that went to Dongguo, accompanied by Lu Junting's assistant, two secretaries, Qin Yue, the CEO of Baofeng Technology, and Liu Manqing.

    Several people greeted each other, and after getting on the plane, Lu Junting began to discuss with Liu Manqing the work arrangement for this trip to Dongguo. Before returning to the headquarters, Liu Manqing was the person in charge of the branch in Dongguo, so she also went with her this time.

     Lin Xiyu couldn't talk when they were talking about business, so they sat silently on the side, drinking juice and eating small desserts. Lu Junting was afraid that she would be bored, so he would occasionally turn his head and say a few words to her.


    "You don't have to worry about me, it's important that you talk about business, I'm not boring."

    Although she said so, Lu Junting would still talk to her occasionally.

    It was night when I arrived in Dongguo. When I arrived at the hotel where I was staying, Lin Xiyu took a shower and came out of the bathroom. Lu Junting was still sitting on the sofa sorting out the documents for tomorrow's meeting.

    "Are you busy for a while?" Lin Xiyu asked him.

    "Don't be busy, have a good rest tonight."

    Lu Junting saw that she had something to tell him, he grabbed her thin white wrist and pulled her to sit in his arms, then asked: "You have something to tell me ?"

    Lin Xiyu did have something to ask him, she hesitated for a moment, and then said like a small talk: "I heard that you and Vice President Liu are brothers and sisters?"

    "Well, I was the same tutor as her university."

    "You guys seem to have a good understanding."

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