Chapter 10: Don't always hide from me

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 Lin Xiyu was surprised, she didn't expect that someone like Lu Junting could be soft and coaxing.

In fact, Lin Xiyu just wanted to vent. After venting, she felt much better. She quickly comforted herself that life would get better. Is life smooth sailing? Maybe after this hurdle, her life will be better?

Lin Xiyu wiped away her tears, "I'm fine, just cry."

Seeing that Lu Junting held back his tears, he breathed a sigh of relief. He leaned back in the chair and said, "Don't be afraid, I will do my best to help you."

Lin Xiyu nodded and asked, "What should I do next?"

Lu Junting glanced at her and said, "Since it can't be destroyed, let's give birth to the child with peace of mind."

"Do you need to tell Aunt Yao about them?"

"I can't hide it."

In other words, not only Aunt Yao, but also the rest of the Lu family should know?

"How do I tell them?"

"Let's just say we were dating and accidentally got pregnant."

Lin Xiyu knew that Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu were urging Lu Junting to get married. If he said that, she was still pregnant, and Mrs. Lu would arrange for them to get married.

Lin Xiyu asked nervously: "If grandma and they want to get married..."

"Then get it, don't you also want to get pregnant out of wedlock?"

That's right, but when she thinks of marrying Lu Junting, she always finds it strange that they don't have a common language. Depressed feeling.

Anyway, they have had children, and it seems better not to be married.

If the Lu family needs it, she can never have contact with this child.

"Let's just leave it alone for now, I'll think about it."

"What else do you need to think about?" Lu Junting asked her.

"I was wondering if I should tell the truth."


"I know."

Lu Junting always sent her to the research institute where she worked. Lin Xiyu was absent-minded and went to work for a few days. In a blink of an eye, it was the weekend. Lin Xiyu returned to Lu's house. She is now in a dilemma. Should she marry Lu Junting for the sake of her child, or when she has a child, she will completely abandon her relationship with Lu Junting. She didn't want to marry Lu Junting, but if she didn't get married, she would have to abandon the child.

Her parents' job is to save the children who were abandoned by their parents, but as their daughter, one day she will abandon her own child. As Lu Junting said, her parents have been Running around for the abandoned child, but unable to save his grandson.

She was tangled to death.

But this matter can't be concealed, how on earth did she say this. Seeing that she stayed in the room every day and didn't go out, Lu Yuan forced her to go out for a walk.

"It's rare that you stay at home on weekends. If you don't go out, you're going to get moldy. How come you've become so housebound now?" Lu Yuan squinted at her, "Tell me the truth. , are you hiding something from me?"

"What can I have on my mind?"

The Lu family's garden is quite large and has several styles. Lu Yuan took her to visit the Lotus Garden, which is Chinese-style, with a winding corridor on the pond. The whole pond is covered with green lotus leaves, sometimes dotted with a few pink buds. Some withered lotus flowers have grown lotus roots, and fish are shuttled under the lotus leaves. Occasionally a lake wind blows, bringing a burst of Refreshing coolness.

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