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General POV
The date is the 6th of December, Riley has been missing for 24 days, just under a month.

Tony has been looking for bases as much as he can, he is trying to distract himself while doing something productive. He is extremely stressed and he can see that Peter, along with everyone in the compound is. Peter has the biggest effect on him though - Peter is like a son to him so Tony wanted to do everything he can to make his son happy.

Sam, Bucky and Steve have been training, pretty relentlessly, they want to be ready to get Riley back and don't know what else to do with their time, they work had in the training room for as long as they can before someone pulls them out of it. They go on long runs, spar and weight lift as much as possible. Natasha also does this with Yelena and sometimes joins the trio.

Natasha has been incredibly anxious, she, along with many in the compound, do not know what to do with themselves. She spends lots of her time with Wanda, who just needs someone, a mother figure and Natasha fills that spot.

Yelena, Kate and Clint have visited the farm a few times, they spend lots of time together training, watching movies, goofing around. They try to block out their feelings doing something else but are always available to help.

Bruce has been working in the lab lots doing what he can like Tony. Vision has been helping, he has also been flying around and doing what he can with his robotic body.

Thor and Loki have visited Asgard many times, they are trying to take their minds of everything. They meet up with Valkyrie and Korg sometimes. (A/N, i Know I haven't said Ragnarok happened but lets say they all made friends earlier and it had nothing to do with Ragnarok - Thor just got lost in the Bifrost and found Loki)

Peter, Pietro and Wanda her been spending lost of time together, when Peter is not at school. they watch movies and train together, they do stupid things too, anything to distract themselves. When Wanda is alone the tears fall, she tries to do anything to distract herself but sometimes she can't. Peter is the same, he really missed Riley and being in school, seeing her empty seat - it upsets him. He tries to save the tears until he gets home but sometimes MJ can see them forming in his eyes.

Tony has been pacing the lab for ten minutes now, waiting for results to load. He is becoming very impatient. His drones have alerted him of something but he needs to download the footage, as he used all of his drones, some were older, so needed to have footage downloaded.

The footage loads and Tony watches as the drone flies over something hidden in the forest of Brazil. Tony decides to manually control the drone to get a closer look, as soon as he sees a suited person with the Hydra symbol he shuts down the software and runs out, after shouting F.R.I.D.A.Y to call for a meeting.

Tony runs to the meeting room with a printed sheet of coordinated in his hand. He tells F.R.I.D.A.Y to inform everyone to suit up and meet him on the jet. He got too impatient to call a meeting.

Once everyone arrives on the jet Steve is the forest person to question Tony "What are we doing here?" He asks.

"Well, I have found some coordinates for a Hydra base, I am not sure if it's Riley's but its a base" Tony announces to the group. "Hopefully, if its not Riley's base, then there will be some map or anything so Nat, Bucky, Yelena any of the super spies if you find a composter source or map or something try and download some data" Tony adds.

Everyone nods and begins conversation amongst themselves.

The Avengers arrive after a pretty long flight. Steve informs everyone of their job. Nat and Bucky are to try and find Riley, they will stick together and search the base. Steve would join Vision, Tony, Peter, Clint, Yelena and Kate all have the same job - to fight the agents and if they can locate any data. Thor and Loki couldn't make it, and the team thought it would be safer if Bruce stayed on the jet to make sure that if Riley was there she didn't get injured.

The Avengers filter inter the base, all of the prepared to attack. they were desperate to find Riley and this is the best lead they had in weeks.

They were all fighting as agents warmed around them, Nat and Bucky managed to slip away to search for Riley, they checked every inch of the base and found nothing. Nat did manage to find a computer so she downloaded any data onto the USB Tony had given her.

"There is a good amount of information on this software, Tony should be able to hack it and decode everything but it will take a good amount of searching to find everything, and any possible bases but it is definitely promising" Natasha says as she turn towards Bucky, who in response, smiles happily, hopefully.

After finding nothing The Avengers enter the jet disheartened. They were desperate to find Riley. "Well that was disappointing" Tony mutters sadly.

"Me and Bucky managed to get some data on a USB drive" Natasha announces to the group. Tony smiles gratefully.

"Can I help look through it?" Peter requests timidly.

"Sure Pete" Tony responds, Peter smiles gratefully at his answer and Natasha hands him the USB which he gives to Tony.

"This could take a long time, there was lots on that drive" Bucky announces having seen Nat download it, "there's also some software to crack and probably some strong firewalls and protection" he adds, Tony nods and his mind begins to think of all of the possible things to do, at the same time Peter is thinking the exact same thing.

The Avengers sit in silence, disappointed and tired of how unlucky they have been.

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