50|New Years

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General POV
The date was the 31st December, almost the new year. Normally the compound would have been full of festivities and celebrations but it was pretty calm, dull and sad. There had been a vote held in the meeting room. it was to decide whether The Avengers wanted a big party with many people, or if they wanted to just have some drinks and play some games amongst themselves. The vote was very clear, Tony was the only person to put his hand up for a party. But he respected everyone's decision and was actually glad they had decided against a big party.

So, the Avengers gathered in the main room. They were planning on having some drinks and playing some stupid games.

Everyone was there, Loki, Thor, Clint, Kate, Sam, Natasha, Yelena, Peter, Pietro, Wanda, Tony, Bruce, Steve, Bucky, Pepper and Vision. All of the people under 21 were given an apple juice box. That was Pietro, Peter, Kate, and Wanda. They were not happy. While Yelena who turned 22 only 3 months ago is very smug and drinking her alcohol happily, even through she behaved like a toddler.

"Lets play truth or dare, but not too extreme". Slightly tipsy Tony suggested, Pepper was the sober one out of the pair, she would drink little enough so she would be prepared look after a very drunk Tony, which would probably be the result of the night.

Peter began to slurp his juice at the silence and many of the people in the room turned to look at him. "I think we should play" Peter said, secretly hoping that someone would get dared to drink something alcoholic, and inventively get so drunk they embarrass themselves, he hoped this would be Pietro.

Everyone murmured some sort of agreement, some denied but would still end up playing.

Steve had set a time on his phone so it would go off ten minutes before midnight to make sure everyone was ready, he was predictable.

"Okay, Steve go first. Truth or dare?" Tony said, he was also predictable.

"Truth" Steve said, he wasn't risking it.

"Okay, how long did you like Bucky before you asked him out?" Tony asks. He had been wanting to ask this for ages.

Steve went very red. "Maybe, 2 years before the ice and a few years after the ice" Steve murmurs quietly, blushing furiously. Bucky laughs loudly and kisses Steve gently.

"At least he got the courage to ask him out, Bucky was the same" Sam exposed his friend. Bucky also began to blush and everyone laughed at the pair.

"Steve your turn" Peter urged, he could get very impatient and new Steve needed reminding, Bucky always distracted him.

"Clint, truth or dare" Steve said after scanning the room.

"Dare, I'm not a wimp" Clint responded.

"They are equally as bad as each other in all honestly, it depends who asks you" Peter suggested, defending Steve's decision.

"Thank you Peter, anyway, I dare you to mix three alcoholic drinks together into a glass and chug the glass" Steve offered.

Tony burst out laughing "who new Steve had it in him, thats a good dare" Tony complimented "makes me with I had come up with it" he mutters.

Natasha laughs as she watches Clint's face contort at the taste of whatever he was drinking. "I am never doing that again, that was awful" he says, he turns to Pietro. "Truth or Dare Pietro" he offers.

"Dare!" Pietro says.

"I have such a good one, I dare you to give a random person this paper ring. Play the Taylor swift song 'paper rings' and propose to the random person. You have to take a picture with them holding up their hand with the ring and record the whole thing" Clint says smiling.

"God, Barton how long did I it take you to come up with that one" Yelena laughs.

"Okay" Pietro says, he grabs his phone, the ring and begins to record. He decided to FaceTime Clint instead of filming. The Avengers are laughing as Pietro managed to find someone to propose to and they accept. The night continues like this stupid dares and some stupid truths to admit to.

Eventually Steve's timer goes off and everyone prepares for the new year. They all cheer and Wanda mutters "Happy New Year Riley, I love you" Natasha hears and smiles sadly, but also wishes Riley a happy new year quietly. Soon all of the Avengers have wished Riley a happy new year, there is less of a cheerful tone, just a sad one as they wish their missing family member a happy new year.

*Time skip to the 17th of January*

Tony was in his lab/workshop again, he was still trying to crack the software. He was blasting his music too. He sat there for hour after hour after hour, and eventually he did it. All of the details and data on the USB was released and was available for him to read.

"Yes! Finally!" He cheered happily. He had all of the data he needed to hopefully get Riley back.

He dug through the software and found a file that read 'The Spider will be used for he DNA. She will be held at the coordinates {insert coordinates of a secretive location in Poland that could have a Hydra base} Spider-Man's DNA could have been used but for the best soldier we want someone who can make their own webs. The girls DNA will be replicated and used to make many soldiers with the superhuman strength, agility, speed and the spider abilities' Tony read aloud. He scanned it multiples times before it set in. He had the coordinates of Riley's location. Tony smiled widely, but that turned into a frown when he realised what Hydra was trying to do. He knew they needed to destroy this base and the rest of the incase there was any of Riley's DNA, there could be many dangerous and potential threats if anyone got ahold of it.

Tony called a meeting knowing Riley was in this base, he wanted there to be a stable plan to get her back. He didn't want to take any chances.

Hello readers, I am sorry about all the time skips. I want to get the key moments but don't want to drag it out so its boring, kinda? Anyway hope you are enjoying :)

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