51|The Girl She Loves

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Natasha's POV
Me and Bucky are running through the Hydra base. The plan was perfect. Me and Buckey would search the base and try to find Riley. While everyone else would try and take down as many agents as possible while seeing if they could also locate Riley, we would be in duos that have to stay together so no one is alone.

The meeting was very long and as soon as it ended we all got in the jet, suited up and ready to get Riley back. Everyone was incredibly on edge on the way here, and it was a long flight but we finally made it.

Me and Bucky are running through corridors just hoping to get the right one. "She should be here right?" Bucky asks hopefully, he is beginning to have doubts and I would be lying if I didn't say I did too.

Eventually we find a corridor with just one door, it is a heavy metal door, there are some bars over the door that let the smallest amount of light in. Bucky harshly punches the door but hold the metal bars to make sure it does fly off and his anyone. It Bucky throws it behind him, making a loud sound.

I enter the cell and see a figure inside. They are sitting in the corner and look terrified, there is a scar over their left eye but doesn't seem to have actually damaged the eye in itself. They are in just a sports bra and some shorts with multiples pieces of a ripped hoodie wrapped tightly around them and soaked in blood. They seem terrified.

A quiet voice speaks "Nat? Bucky is that you? Really you?"

Some tears fill mine and Bucky's eyes, but we both quickly blink them away, Riley looks so full of fear, she looks like she has been through hell and so much pain.

"Riley, it's me, Natasha. Bucky's here too" I say gently, Riley keeps her eyes closed and shakes her head. She must believe her head is playing tricks on her or Hydra did something cruel to her. She slowly opens her eyes.

"Riley, I promise its really us, and we wont hurt you" Bucky says, he walks closer to her, she flinched and tires to move further into the wall. So Bucky sits down and offers his hand to Riley.

"Riley, I am not going to hurt you, Neither is Nat and I promise we are here to help" Bucky says, Riley slowly, brings her hand forwards and gently, cautiously touches Bucky's hand, he smiles sadly.

"Can you get up?" I ask the young girl. She ponders for a second thinking but uses her hand to get up along with using the wall. She winces and holds her side. She looks towards the floor, like she is avoiding our eyes.

I hold her left hand as she uses her right to lead against the wall and occasionally hold onto her side. There is blood slowly dripping through the ripped piece of fabric that is around her torso, preventing her from losing too much blood. We arrive at the jet before anyone else which is probably good for Riley, she won't want to see loads of people to quickly.

While Bucky is helping Riley sit down, I walk to the other side of the jet and whisper into the comm "Wr are ready to blow up the base, make sure none of it stands. Come back to the jet" I say.

"Okay, did you get Riley?" Tony asks.

"Yeah, destroy the base, everyone needs to get out" I respond.

"Is she okay?" Peter asks at the same time Wanda says "how is she?"

"I'll explain properly once everyone is on the jet and the base is blown up, but I think she will be fine" I respond

Once every gives the all clear the bombs go off and the whole base is blown up along with everything inside it.

Riley seems zoned out, I don't think she knows what to make of the situation, I don't think its processed yet.

Everyone filters onto the jet ready to go. Wanda is one of the first to arrive, she spots Riley in the corner and smiles sadly, tears fill her eyes as she walks over to the girl. "Riley, love" Wanda says, walks over to the girl and sits next to her. Riley is still zoned out.

"Riley, I love you too. I never got to tell you, but I love you too" Wanda whispers. Riley's head turns and her grey eyes meet Wanda's green ones. But she quickly looks down with a fearful expression. Wanda seems to understand. "I'm not going to hurt you Riley. Can I have a hug?" Wanda asks with tears in her eyes. Riley nods and Wanda hugs her, Riley seems to melt at Wanda touch and hugs her back while crying into her shoulder.

"I didn't think you were real, I thought you were another on of Hydra's tricks" she whispers, and Wanda places a gentle kiss on her lips. Before breaking the hug, Riley leans her head on Wanda's shoulder and slowly drifts to sleep. The Avengers watch this interaction sadly.

"What did they do to her?" Tony questions disgusted that Hydra is responsible for the may scars, bruises and wounds on her body. Peter goes to his bag and grabs a spare hoodie and gently lays it over Riley. He pulls of his mask, and Tony takes of his suit, everyone gets more comfortable.

"She seems so paranoid and just terrified, she thought me and Nat where going to hurt her, she had her eyes glued shut the whole time" Bucky adds. I nod agreeing.

"She will have to be woken later, I need to make sure she won't bleed out or that the wound isn't too severe" Bruce says, everyone nods. "Leave her another hour though, I doubt she has had much sleep at all" he adds.

An hour later Wanda gently whispers for Riley to wake up and gently taps her arm. Riley eyes shoot open and dart around the jet. Wanda cups Riley's cheeks "you are safe Riley, on the jet. With the Avengers" Wanda says quietly and Riley slowly calms down.

"Riley, Can I check your wound" Bruce says, she nods. Bruce crouches in front of her and brings his hands forwards to take of the cloth, Riley flinches but doesn't move so Bruce continues, he patches up all of her injuries.

Eventually Bruce finishes sorting out her wounds and puts a bandage around her torso. Riley fiddles with her fingers anxiously, while looking at the floor. Riley seems to zone out, completely lost in her thoughts. I watch as Wanda smiles at the girl sadly, I can tell she is so glad to have her back but knows it's not that simple, Riley will need time to recover and will have changed but Wanda knows she is still Riley Walker, the girl she loves. I smile at the duo glad to have them back, Wanda, like most of us hasn't been the same since Riley's disappearance.

Yay, Riley's back.

There was so many ways I could have written this chapter and I am not sure if I picked the right one. What do you think?

So, I'm going away for a little over a week and won't be able to publish any chapters as I will be busy with my family and probably forget and won't have much time to write anything, so I though I would leave you all with this chapter. I should be back after a week and a few days :)

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