52|I Missed This

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Riley's POV
My thoughts runs wild on the jet, I am finally free, home. Flashes of what happened in Hydra run through my head. Killing so many people, the torture, the tank, the experiments with my blood. I try and get rid of the images, but my mind and thoughts seem to run too far away from me. I look around the jet, my tear filled eyes meet Wanda's but I quickly look away. Wanda won't hurt me, so why do I feel like this.

Wanda brings me into a hug probably seeing my panicked state. I flinch at her touch but eventually melt into the hug. My body feels so tired, I close my eyes but open them again quickly as images of Hydra fill my mind. Instead I focus on Wanda, she interlocks our fingers and begins to draw patterns on my hand calming me down instantly. I smile when I realise how much I have missed this.

I don't know how long its been but eventually we arrive back at the compound. Wanda helps me walk out of the jet and when I begin to stumble Peter comes to my other side as if he is ready to catch me. I offer him a small smile acknowledging him, and he gives a bright, wide one back.

I enter the compound and Wanda helps me sit on one of the sofa's in the main room. The Avengers slowly filter into the room and Peter sits next to me, Wanda has already sat on the other side of me. Pietro speeds into the room and sits down on another sofa and many other Avengers do the same.

Peter turns to me "can I fill you in on what you missed?" He asks, I nod "well, school was just school, it was pretty boring. Oh that reminds, I need to tell Ned and MJ you're back. I'll do that later. Anyway it was pretty boring, Christmas was kinda good. I spent half of the day with May and then half at the compound, we watched the animated grinch too. New Year was kinda fun, we played truth or dare and Pietro proposed to someone random with a paper ring. It was funny" Peter rambles.

I almost blurt out how its already been new year, but hold back. No one has permitted me to speak, and I don't know if I want to.

"Peter" Steve says, softly, but still firm and with authority. Peter seems to gather whatever idea Steve was saying and shuts up.

"Sorry" Peter offers quietly. I give him a smile, that says 'it's fine' He has always had a tendency to ramble, its what makes him peter, that puppy like energy he has is also very Peter Parker of him.

"I think I did the dare very well thank you very much" Pietro says, I smile at the duo who haven't changed one bit.

"Do you want a shower?" Wanda offers, I nod lightly. The only real chance I had a 'cleaning' myself was the tank, it wasn't exactly hygienic.

Wanda helps me to my room, she open the bathroom door and turn on the shower. "I'll wait outside if you need me, I can help you put your bandages back on after" Wanda says, I smile gratefully and  Wanda leave the room closing the door behind her.

I slowly enter the shower feeling the warm water on back is relaxing. I haven't felt warm water in a long time. I shampoo and condition my hair and wash my body. I feel safer in the shower, I don't think I can really drown here and the water is warm which is relaxing. I wash my hair thoroughly watching as the dirt and mess falls down my body and into the drain. I can feel that my hair is longer too.

I turn the shower off and step outside while wrapping my body in the towel.

I turn around and see the mirror behind me. 'God what did they do to my face' I think, there is a large scar over my eye, and a smaller one next to it. My hair is longer than ever and in a bad state. I find the brush and brush through my hair before cut it so it was the same length before Hydra took me.

Once I am dry I look around the room to check if I have any clothes in here. I see Wanda has also put some clothes next to the shower, So I dry off and put them on. There are some leggings and a new sports bra along with an oversized hoodie. I hold off putting the hoodie on knowing Wanda will need to change my wet dressings over my wound. I step out of the bathroom with the leggings and sports bra on but not the hoodie.

Wanda smiles when she sees me. "You hair looks nice" she says, offering a gentle smile. I nod lightly.

Wanda gets the first aid kit an bandages my wound gently. I flinch at her touch again. I hate doing it but I just can't help it. I know Wanda isn't going to hurt me, she never has before. So why do I flinch?

"Do you want to stay here, Or we can go back down to everyone?" Wanda asks after finishing my dressings and helping me to put my hoodie on.

"Can we stay?" I ask quietly. Wanda smiles and lays down on my bed, I lay next to her. Wanda turns on the TV and looks to me as if asking if its okay, I just nod, she puts on 'Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix'.

Slowly I inch closer to Wanda wanting to be near her, she makes me feel so much safer. After seeing what I am doing Wanda comes closer to and lays a gentle kiss on my cheek before intertwine our fingers and leaning her head on my shoulder. Smiling I do the same.

'I really missed this' I think, 'I really missed Wanda, Peter, Every singer person in the compound. Ned, MJ, May'. Closing my eyes I begin to drift of to sleep as I relax, Harry Potter playing in the background and Wanda drawing patterns on my hand gently.

hello I'm back - I'm really sorry it's been a while, I had a busy holiday but while I was away I noticed:

———————————————hello I'm back - I'm really sorry it's been a while, I had a busy holiday but while I was away I noticed:

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Thank you all so much and we have got 15K nearly 16K reads, I really appreciate all the readers so thank you!!!!!

And I apologise for the shorter chapters, I will make up for it. I have been struggling to work out how I want to do things so the chapters should get longer. :)

So, someone from the comments has brought up about the super strength for when Riley works out as it would be easier so all of the weight in the compound are made by Tony to be heavier but seem smaller - special technology - and when Riley does pulls, press-ups etc she would wear a weight belt that is made by Tony again and is heavier that it seems :) thank you to whoever brought it up.

I cant remember if I mentioned this but Clint is Kate's Legal guardian as she was 17 (in the story) when her mum was arrested and due to her dad being dead. She had already met Clint as he was around at the time and he adopted her, she is now 18 and lived with Clint for a while where he saw her potential and Kate also begged him to let her join.

How are you finding it?

The next chapter may be just a few days late as I start school soon but it shouldn't be too late :)

And I know Hydra having a lion sounds kinda weird but there is method to the madness. So Hydra had started to conduct some animal experiments to try and enhance training and allow for some test subjects along with some more 'disposable' soldiers. In their eyes. The lion had been modified and also had some robotic parts that had been hidden. It was a new experiment they were trying and tested it on Riley so not only were they testing Riley, they were testing the lion too.

I know it sounds kinda weird but Hydra is corrupt and stuff, it was also only done at that base due to Riley being there and them' trying to replicate her DNA and powers. It was also fuelled by Riley's 'parents' wanting and their hatred towards Riley. I hope that makes sense

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