Chapter 1

532 11 19

Summer 2011 - 9 years old

"Olivia! Olivia!!!!" Jordan screamed at the top of his lungs.

Olivia Baker rolled her eyes following the sound of her twin brother's voice. He was on the couch staring out the window. The big shiny U-HAUL caught his attention. He couldn't help it if he liked being in everybody's business.

"What are you looking out the window for?" She joined him on the couch. He interrupted her Barbie's getting married for something stupid, she just knows it.

"That's why I called you over here idiot. Look!" He pointed out the window.

"I am not an idiot, I am smarter than you."

The nine year old Baker twins watched as an older man kissed a lady taking the box from her. They seen an older girl and someone that looked their age. They watched the girl get excited when her bicycle was taken out of the truck.

"She looks our age. Maybe we should introduce ourselves." He suggested to his sister.

"Have you been taught nothing? We aren't suppose to talk to strangers. That's how we get snatched." Olivia was too cute to get snatched.

"They look nice and she has an older sister. We'll be fine now come on! Because I am not playing Ken for you again, it's weird."

"We have to ask permission Jordan..."

"We're nine. It's just next door. Alison isn't paying us any attention." Jordan pointed to their babysitter dancing with headphones in. He was going to think of a master plan to get her fired later. She never really watched them anyway.

Laura Baker raised her fraternal twins herself after her husband Billy died in an car accident when the twins were six. She moved them out of New York and back to Beverly Hills to be closer to family. She worked a lot so she hired plenty to pitch in especially a house keeper.

Out of the two, Jordan was more social. He was maybe a little too friendly for his own good but he liked to get to know people. It was how Spencer James became his best friend whenever he spent summers with his paternal grandfather in Crenshaw.

"Fine, but if they are mean then I am coming back." Olivia warned putting on her shoes following after him.

"Sweet pea, be careful." Devon warned his youngest kissing her cheek, taking another box in.

"Always, daddy." Simone snapped her helmet in place.

"I got her dad." Ashton leaned against their car.

Ashton was five years older than her younger sister , Simone. The Hicks were well traveled and well accomplished.  Devon Hicks worked in the film industry often directing high packed action films. He knew ever since he met his wife Alexandra that he wanted to travel and explore the world - it was why it was easy to propose while on an African safari in their 20s.

Alexandra Hicks worked just as hard being an athlete her whole life. An accomplished track and field star turned chef with her own cooking collections and cook books. She dabbled in everything under the sun which is why it was no surprise that her youngest did the same thing while her oldest wanted to go the doctor route.

The Hicks made time for their children but they needed a permanent home and splitting their time between Canada where Alexandra was from and America , they settled on a suburban part of Beverly Hills. Jordan walked over and Ashton immediately spotted him with a girl dragging her feet. She laughed and seen Simone had already went down the end of the street.

"Are you trying to get me in trouble baby girl. Get back here! You have company." Ashton held her hands on her hips.

The moment she turned, Jordan felt star-stuck almost like the time he met The Rock because he was his favorite actor. Except he wasn't nervous at all meeting him. He was able to hold a conversation but this felt different. He watched her pedal back and stopped just before she almost ran into him.

"Simone!" Ashton scolded.

"Sorry. I am sorry, are you okay?" Her eyes widened.

"She's talking to you idiot." Olivia punched her brother.

"Y'all are so cute! I'm Ashton. This is my little sister Simone."

"I'm Simone. Hi." She removed her helmet offering her hand.

"I'm Olivia , this idiot is my twin brother, Jordan." She waved her finger in his face making Simone giggle.

"Hi.... Welcome to the neighborhood." He smacked her hand out of his face.

"Thanks!" Ashton and Simone said in unison.

"Ash, can we double dutch?" Simone asked.

Ever since Ashton showed Simone how to double dutch , her little sister became obsessed then fixated on it never missing in between the ropes. Ashton went to find the box marked garage and found the ropes.

"Do you know how to double dutch, Olivia?"

Liv shook her head no. She was more of the reading and painting type. She enjoyed watching movies and usually hung around her brother and his best friend Spencer. She didn't make friends often but Simone seemed nice.

"So what do you do for fun?" Jordan asked.

"Gymnastics , Dance , Tennis! What about you guys?" Simone responded seeing Jordan take  her bike on her behalf to walk it  into the garage.

"Mainly football and video games." He pushed the kick stand down.

"Thanks, are you any good?" Simone took notice of Olivia's quiet demeanor.

"I think so. My mom says I am. I play with kids from school and my best friend Spencer James. Maybe I'll go to the NFL like my dad." Jordan had high hopes for a kid.

"What about you Olivia?" Simone helped her sister unravel the rope.

"Um... I draw and read mostly. I danced for a little while." She had stopped once Billy died. He wanted to get his kids into sports. Jordan had football like him and Olivia danced. However once he passed, Olivia no longer found enjoyment in those things.

Jordan found himself watching as Simone took her under her wing teaching her how to turn the ropes. Ashton made sure he moved out the way from getting hit. Once Olivia got the hang of it, Simone stood next to Ashton taking a breath preparing herself.

She was quick. The more the girls turned, the quicker her little feet went not missing a single beat. He was positive that he would fall over. Normally he would find this activity very much boring and would've been back inside calling Spencer to save him. However, he stuck around watching Simone encourage Olivia more than once to give it a try.

"Girls! Dinner." Alex called.

"They even get home cooked meals." Jordan  was shocked and a little envious.

"You guys can join us." Ashton offered.

"We shouldn't." Olivia started to walk back.

"Do you want another frozen dinner Liv?"  Jordan asked.

"Noooo.." Liv turned following her brother once again.

Laura wasn't the best cook. Actually, she left the cooking to their nanny from time to time. Liv couldn't turn around quick enough. Alexandra knew that she needed to ask permission from their parent so she got the number to call and  invite Laura over too. Laura brought a 7up cake when she realized it was the Hicks girls favorite desert on her way home  and some wine for their parents.

"You didn't have to do that." Laura helped with the dishes.

"No problem, your twins were nice to my sweet pea. This is a big adjustment so kindness goes a long way. You guys are welcome over any time."
Alex said after they wrapped up dinner.

Devon's infamous baked chicken with Mac and cheese along with a huge salad and water. It was a weekly staple and the perfect ending to a long move in day. Laura thanked them for their hospitality and gave her card if they needed recommendations. She took the twins home and got them ready for bed. Jordan looked out his window and noticed Simone's room was across from his.  She waved seeing her dad come in and close her window on her behalf. Jordan waved back cutting off his night light. Maybe it was the first time that everything had changed.

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