Chapter 25

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"So, How did the conversation with Simone go?"

Jordan helped his sister bring in the bags of groceries. In recent weeks, Iman had been spending less time with him claiming she wanted to spend time with family with Oliver. Which, Jordan wasn't going to fight her on. He knew since the party that there was a shift. She had interrupted whatever plan Simone had and now he was left wondering what would've happened.

"It was good, healing. She's coming over later."  Liv was happy to have her over.

"She's coming... here?" Jordan pointed around the vicinity.

"Yes, Jordan."

"This place looks like a zoo."  He had taken notice of  all the toys scattered around.

"Excuse me, if I didn't know any better... I would say you are trying to impress her. This isn't even your house!" His sister replied, putting up the washed fruits in the fridge.

"You want Simone to see your house like this?" He  teased , knowing he needed no further confirmation.

"You never discussed the party." Liv decided to put the attention back on her dear brother.

"I went, we saw each other... Iman acted like a fan girl and nothing else happened." He recalled the events leaving out certain moments on purpose

"Spencer said he had to lie for you." Liv had a smug expression on her face eager to hear more.

"Does that man tell you every little thing?"  He laughed.

Jordan finished putting the rest of the groceries away in the pantry before helping straighten the living room.

"Yes, so are you going to tell me what happened? and don't you dare try to lie about it." Liv dropped onto the couch, ready for any tea.

"You act like I am obsessed with my ex."

His face scrunched up, shaking his head. He was invited so he went to support her win. It was nothing more to it.

"I mean obsession does run in the family and you were obsessed with her." Olivia teased with a grin,

"I was in love with her, but we've moved on." Jordan sat on the floor continuing to toss Lauren's toys in the chest by making free throws.

"Why did you break up with her anyway? You two were perfect together."

"Liv, can we not do this." Jordan groaned, throwing his head back dramatically not wanting to go into detail.

"No, I want to know. It doesn't make sense to me and if you really moved on then you should be willing to share with me. It's all in the past right?"

Liv had a point. He had moved on or least he still wanted to believe he did. However, in that moment at the party he knew that without fail he would drop everything just to be around her. He craved her attention even when he shouldn't be. He knew his younger self was absolutely stupid for calling things off.

"I didn't want anything to happen to her. They never caught who stabbed me and I wanted to protect her. I was overwhelmed with anxiety of something happening to her and the fear that I wouldn't be able to protect her. Our relationship wasn't perfect , I know  I messed it up by not opening up with her anymore...." He pauses to reflect.

"We used to tell each other everything. I think she knows more about me than you do. We had so many late night conversations. Half the time I would just be talking and thinking she is sleep but she would just roll over and we'd just talk until one of us fell back asleep."

He blew out air debating if he wanted to continue. It was making him think about a time in his life of a chapter he thought he had closed. No matter how much time passed, he still wondered what life would be like if he hadn't broken up with her.

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