Chapter 26 [TW]

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Author's note: The ending can be triggering so please protect your peace if necessary, but also remember this is a slightly AU fiction. 💜


The thought of being in the same room as Simone with no real interruption makes his heart race. He stops at a red light and recalls the conversation with Liv. They need a conversation of their own but it wasn't the right moment. This was about Liv right now and no matter how many scenarios his mind played with all that happened in the last half hour, he was calm.

He just wanted his sister to have a safe delivery. The car behind him blows their horn  to tell him to go. More than once. Jordan presses on the gas and zooms down the street following the directions of the hospital that Liv was transported to by ambulance. His phone dings indicating an incoming message from Spencer. He hits the driving notification to signify he was currently behind the wheel.

His mind goes back to the last time he was in the hospital. Iman was giving birth and that whole night felt like a lifetime. He was thrilled for the new chapter in their lives and what he thought was his first born entering the world. Maybe it was universe getting revenge. He remembered holding Oliver and the tears. He was tiny but beautiful and everything unraveling tonight just made Jordan boil on the inside.

He sat in his car once he found a parking spot. He needed a quiet moment to himself. His phone pinged again and he hit read hearing the robotic voice read the text message from Simone. She was wondering where he was and if he was okay. Maybe she could sense he wasn't. Almost three years of bringing a child into the world just to find out everything had been a lie. He breathed out through his nostrils.

He closed his eyes momentarily to pull himself together. He should feel relived but he was pissed. Jordan had poured a lot into a child that wasn't his no matter if he didn't feel that connection his mother talked about. He wanted to feel it because He didn't want Oliver growing up resenting him.

Now none of that mattered yet it still hurt. He was back at square one of not feeling good enough. Not feeling like he was capable of falling in love and meeting his soulmate. Maybe he wasn't meant to be a father. Maybe he was meant to walk this earth alone. Jordan sniffled cursing to himself. He was sensitive and easily triggered but this moment was happy. One relationship was ending and another was beginning.

He had a new little boy entering the world that needed him. Maybe it was divine timing or something.

Jordan wiped his face and pulled himself together. The doors of his vehicle locked behind him as he headed into the hospital. He stood at the receptionist desk about to ask for his sister when he heard a little voice scream his name.

"Hey babygirl. Can you get any louder?" He asked, scooping Lauren into his arms.

He looks across the way and notices Simone, one leg tucked under her flipping through a magazine. She was doing such a simple thing and still looked radiant. Lauren touches his face brushing her fingers against his facial hair.  He melts into the hug she finally gives him and he gently rubbed her back.

"The time has come, Laurie pie. Are you ready to be a big sister?" He questions, carrying her back to the waiting room.

Simone acknowledges him with a smile. She could hear their little whispers to each other as Lauren talks with Jordan a mile a minute explaining all the ways she was going to be a good big sister. Simone had noticed the  stains on his side profile as if he had been crying. It wasn't an issue she wanted to press. However, she took in his forced excitement trying to keep Lauren entertained.

There was something off. She shook off the feeling as just maybe he was having a bad day. Simone wasn't trying to be the next person to get under his skin. Jordan was a ticking time bomb but maybe he had cooled off over the years.

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