Chapter 19

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The sound of a coffee cup hitting the coaster brought Simone away from staring down her laptop. She looked up glancing at Jordan's full muscular arms. He was somehow balancing at lot with a slice of pizza for himself, salad for her, extra drinks and snacks. They needed fresh air from their student apartment and Clark University was kicking their ass. They had each other and they had Spencer and Liv.

"Thank you baby, think they forgot?" She helped him free his arms sitting the rest of the food on the table

"Most likely." He commented, sitting across from her opening his own laptop

"I'm here, I'm here." Liv screamed minutes later. The curly haired young woman pushing past people excusing herself. She looked winded as she rested on her knees finally reaching her twin and best friend. She felt like she ran a mile from one building to the next. She blew out air fanning herself. Atlanta weather was no damn joke.

"Girl, breathe and where is Spencer James?" Simone was the first to inquire the whereabouts of the wide receiver.

"He is finishing his shift." Liv answered knowing she got a response from him only two hours ago.

Before Jordan could even bring the cold water bottle he just opened to his lips, it was snatched from his finger tips by Olivia. Simone breathed out air hoping they would be civil. Before he could even pout, Simone handed Jordan some cash.

"Least somebody loves me." He teased pushing away from his seat.

"I love you Jordan, which is why making sure I don't die would be helping you." Liv assured her sibling, reaching to pinch his cheek.

"Babe, make her stop." Jordan moved his head trying to catch her attention.

Simone snickered at their usual banter and went back into her paper. She was determined to finish. There was nothing worse than attempting an outline and still having a blank canvas when it came to writing it. She had a million and one drafts in her head but nothing on the screen.

"Ugh Liv, Can't you just write this for me?" She frowned not to be taken seriously.

"Or two brains could work together and the professor would never know." Spencer continued their banter, coming into view, The senior kisses the top of Liv's head and dropped his duffle bag taking the last empty seat.

"I always knew you were good for something James." Simone pointed her pen at him nodding.

"Should I take that as a compliment?" He inquired with a head tilt.

"Yes. Very much so! You are good at a lot of things, it's actually annoying."

"I agree." Liv proudly stated, giving her man a round of applause.

"Can we all just focus." Spencer knew how rowdy they can get.

"Come on, I'll help." Jordan offered when he returned, pulling Simone into his lap, nuzzling her neck.

"Well there goes my A.... I'm kidding." She assured, cradling his head.

"I love you." her arms wrapped around his neck dropping her head on his shoulder.

"I love you too. Now let's see what we can come up with." Jordan grinned, pulling her laptop closer.

"Gross." Liv and Spencer made a face of playful disgust.

The four spent countless nights the past three years in the student study rooms just shooting the breeze , locking down assignments and getting head starts on projects. They finally split up from living together at the start of the semester. Each couple had their own student apartment not to far from the other. They would order food or bring a bunch and just buckle down somewhere. Athletics kept three of them busy.

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