Chapter 12

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"Please tell me that you used a condom?" Sammie ran her hand through her hair looking at her best friend.

"Yes, Samyra. It was a one time thing. We got caught up in the moment but we aren't dumb enough to raw dog it." Simone didn't want to think about it.

She actually thought about it a lot. She felt torn because on one hand, she wanted to try things with Christian. On the other hand, she knew that having sex with Jordan while trying to pursue anything with him was a bad idea.

"What are you going to do about Christian?"

"I could tell him the truth but I don't owe him that." Simone didn't see the big deal. Men did this shit all the time.

"Simone, you had sex with your ex that you still want." Sammie sighed taking a water from their mini fridge.

"I don't want Jordan. People have sex all the time. Why is it that when I do it, my body is being policed?" Simone remarked.

"Maybe because you love Jordan but you like Christian , there is a major difference here. You said Jordan was your first. There will always be a connection." She took a swig of her drink.

"Maybe it was just meant to be sex and nothing more."

"Yeah, believe that lie if you want. Gigi, thank god. Maybe you can talk some sense into this girl." Sammie spoke seeing Gigi enter with Christian followed behind.

"Talk some sense into her for what?" Gigi hugged her friends.

"Nothing! What are you doing here handsome?" Simone rushed to Christian giving him a hug , cutting her eyes at Samyra.

"Fill me in later." Giselle whispered to Sammie.

"I wanted to make sure our first date wasn't a virtual one." He didn't mind spending the money on her.

"Awwww, he flew all the way here to be with you Simone." Sammie held her heart.

"Samyra, shut up." Simone huffed slipping on her shoes.

"How are you long are you here for Christian?" Gigi questioned flopping on Simone's bed.

"Two weeks? I never stayed here much longer than a week but I figured it'd might be worth it."

"You are in for a treat." Sammie mumbled

"Ignore her, she needs sex in her life." Simone flipped her the bird.

"Well we all can't be out here enjoying shower sex."

"Okay, enjoy your date." Gigi ushered Simone and Christian out the door.

When the coast was clear, Gigi turned to get filled in on what just happened. She didn't think it was going to end well because somebody was going to get hurt. She knew how much both men meant to Simone. She knew her friend was playing with fire and exploring her options.

Jordan finished practice and was on his way back to his dorm. He needed a shower and on the way , he decided to text Simone to see if she was free. He literally had to bribe his twin for her new number. In the distance , he thought his eyes were betraying him. As they got closer, he recognized Simone and Christian. He grabbed his duffle bag walking in their direction unwrapping a grape blow pop.

"Jordan right!?" Christian questioned in an unsure tone, he was terrible at names.

"Yeah, that's me. Nice to see you again." Jordan acknowledged resting the candy in his cheek. It was only two weeks ago that Simone was  in that shower with him.

"You too mate. Care to join us for a meal?" Christian smiled brightly throwing an arm around Simone.

Jordan grinned seeing the expression on Simone's face and how quiet she was.

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