Chapter 29

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"I'll be right out here." Jordan pointed to the empty seats of the waiting room.

Simone signed herself in and sat next to him. She had made an emergency appointment with her therapist. It would be easy to call the non emergency number but she just needed someone to talk too. She didn't think she was going stir crazy but Jordan had been doing a fantastic job of keeping her mind occupied.

The good thing was Kaleb was behind bars without bail. He had been suspended from his team without pay and his coach offered an apology in person. Nobody had saw it coming, not even Simone that Kaleb just wasn't who he claimed to be.

"Simone? Come on back. Jordan, well this is a nice surprise. Are you two..." Dr. Charles glanced between the pair.

"No." Simone answered quickly.

"Just friends, Doc. It's good to see you though." Jordan brushed off how quickly Simone answered the question.

"Okay, well it's good to see you. Don't forget to set your own appointment, mister." Dr. Charles followed behind Simone.

"Yes ma'am." He agreed.

Simone thanked Dr. Charles for the water bottle.
Dr. Charles had studied the healing bruises on her face. She didn't want to mention it just yet in case Simone wanted to share it with her instead.

"First off, We are going to assess how you've been feeling like we do every appointment."

"Right, I know."

"On a scale of one to ten, Have you been feeling nervous or anxious about anything?"

"... seven."

"Have you been feeling been depressed or a lack of doing things out of your normal routine?"

"Ummm...five, most days."

"Okay, Have you been considering harming yourself or others?"

Simone chewed on the corner of her lip. She hasn't answered the question so Dr. Charles gave her a moment.

"Simone? Have you been considering harming yourself or others?" The question was repeated.


As long as Dr. Charles had reviewed these questions with her and as long as she had known Simone, this was never a question she had answered with tears in her eyes or at such a high number. Dr. Charles wrote in her notes and waited.

"This is a safe place, Simone."

"I know, I know. I just- I don't know how to describe it." Simone sniffled.

"Just start."

" I feel crazy and stupid... I never in my life had thoughts like this. I never wanted to commit a murder su... It doesn't feel real you know? These thoughts and these feelings. I was fine, I was okay or so I thought."

"You were hiding what was really going on." Dr. Charles said bluntly.

"Yeah, I thought Kaleb was the one. I thought he was good guy but when he drinks. It's was like talking to a stranger. He was aggressive and easily triggered. It had happened once and I let it go. I shouldn't have let it go."

"We all want to think of our partners as the best versions of themselves."

"Stupid idea if you ask me." Simone crossed her arms.

"Are you somewhere safe?"

"Yeah, Jordan has been a life saver." Simone smiled wearily.

"I see you did your assignment last time."

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