Chapter 2

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Simone followed her dad to his car getting in the back seat. Starting a new school was nerve wrecking. This was her first time being in a public school setting. She was used to being on her father's sets and in his trailers. She had only seen Jordan once this morning but she could tell he was rushing to get ready for the day. The trio had spent the whole summer together including Spencer making them a core four.

She kissed her dad's cheek begging him not to step out of the car. She didn't need nobody's parent recognizing him and making a big fuss. The school was huge but that didn't mean she was about to open her mouth and ask for help. Simone felt herself bump into someone and she turned apologizing.

"It's okay, I'm Mason. Are you looking for something in particular?" He asked.

"Simone, Nice to meet you. Um the front office?" She would've much rather have one of the twins here to help but it wasn't like she could make them appear.

"You got it! So where are you from?" He smiled motioning for her to follow.

"My time is split between two places." She answered leaving it at that.

Jordan walked in the building with Olivia seeing from a distance his best friend walking with Simone. Well, Mason was a good friend he had known longer than Spencer so he really didn't mind it. Olivia nudged him pulling him out of his thoughts. They had separate teachers so they would always split up and meet for lunch.

The knock on Mr. Warren's door made everybody look up. He settled down the class as Jordan was engrossed in reading a comic book he borrowed from Spencer. He flipped a page when he heard the seat next to him move. He looked up seeing Harper Clark and went back to his comic.

"Class, we have new student to our roster. Simone, would you like to introduce yourself?" Mr. Warren had Jordan's attention now.

"Um, not really but hey." She looked at the room full of strangers. Her eyes looked around and stopped at Jordan. He waved giving her a reassuring smile.

"Ms. Clark, please find your way back to your seat. Ms. Hicks, you can sit next to Mr. Baker."

"But Mr. Warren...." Harper sighed.

"Move now." He wasn't about to argue.

Simone watched as a girl got up and she made her way to the back. She could feel the other girl purposely bump her shoulder. Simone was a fairly nice person so she let it slide taking a seat next to Jordan. Least she knew one familiar face.

Jordan tossed a piece of paper on her side. Simone looked at him and quietly unfolded it reading the note.

Don't worry about Harper. She's a little weird. :)

Simone shook her head and went back to paying attention. She wasn't going to count on anyone else to catch her up on the material they covered last year. It was the first day back but she was a last minute adjustment so it was still a little weird. When they were sent to lunch. Olivia found her brother and Simone immediately running over.

"Olivia, can we talk?" Liv turned seeing Harper. They weren't exactly friends but she didn't hate the girl either.

"Um, sure. I'll be back. Don't get lunch without me!" She poked Jordan in the chest.

Liv followed Harper to a corner of the lunchroom trying to figure out what this conversation could possibly be about.

"Know anything about the new girl?"

"You mean Simone? Yeah she's really nice and she taught me how to double dutch." Liv didn't mention they were neighbors , that was way too personal.

"Think your brother would go with me to the Halloween dance?"

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