Chapter 40

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Author's note: welcome to the end! Thank you for all the comments and support for this one. Happy AA s6 eve!!! I hope you enjoy this final chapter of Overdosed 🫶🏾


Ashton demands that she turns on the television. Simone really just wanted to go back to sleep. She was seconds away from hanging up on her sister. However, Ashton wouldn't let it go. Reaching over, she snatches the remote from the nightstand and turns on the television. She turned down the volume so she was still able to hear without waking up her husband.

"It's way too early for this." Simone pointed out for the millionth time.

"Celebrity chef  Alexandra Hicks , the mother of tennis player, Simone Baker files for divorce from her husband, film director Devon Hicks . According to sources, she had been having an affair with her bodyguard for the past decade according to a letter leaked to TMZ. The letter goes into great detail but one excerpt says she needed to be free and live on her terms."

"Simone, there is.. more."

"I gotta go." Simone didn't give her sister the chance to continue before pressing end on the call.

She took a deep breathe trying to process everything. Maybe if she went back to sleep this would be all a dream. She tried that but it only lasted 15 minutes. No matter how much she tried to go back to sleep,  she couldn't wrap her head around the fact that her own mother was a cheater.

So much for believing in fairytales.

Jordan rolled over an hour later. He stretched expecting Simone to still be sleep next to him. He had every intention of burying his face in her hair taking in her shampoo and rubbing her belly until they fell back into a lazy slumber. A frown went across his features feeling the sheets instead if his wife.  He sat up yawning, scratching his facial hair.

"Sweetheart?" He called out loud enough to hear from wherever she was.

The house was dead silent and that made him panic. She was usually up , finding something to eat. He usually smelled fresh brewed coffee at this point. Okay so no coffee today. Maybe they were out because she was always up before him even at this final stage of her pregnancy.  It was mostly due to her hot flashes and feeling very uncomfortable.

After searching his last resort was the nursery. He  cracked open the door and his face fell. Jordan was met with  sadness and dried tear stains. What the hell happened? She was fine when she went to bed - a little frustrated that the hospital sent her home but nothing to the point of tears.

"Hey, talk to me. What's wrong?"

He kneeled in front of her, taking her hands in his. His thumbs caressed her knuckles searching her face. He watched the silent tears fall.

"Are you okay, does anything hurt? Do you need me to call the paramedics? What can I do, baby,  How can I help? Hm, Tell me, what's wrong?" Jordan stared at her and waited.

The leaked letter was one she never expected to be real let alone from her own mother.  She forced herself to smile hoping he'd ignore any sign of trouble. Except he knew her better than anyone. He was her person after all.

He was the one person that knew her inside and outside. The one person that wouldn't allow a single soul on this planet to mistreat her even if that person was herself.

She tried to block out the words she read  but they were on loop in her head. She tried to breathe. She wanted to mask her pain but the more she got in her head, the worst she felt.

"Do you want me to hold you?"

Simone had reacted to that question quicker than they both expected. She attempted to wipe her face again. Jordan helped her to her feet and switched places. He sat in the rocking chair bringing her down into his lap. He racked his brain trying to figure out what was the cause of her tears. Nervousness? No. Simone was always more confident. Scared? No. She did things even when scared.

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