Chapter 28

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He wasn't expecting her to say it back. He knew he might've jumped the gun but he was being truthful. Jordan knew that he loved her - no matter what happened between them. He wanted them to be okay with their current living situation. He knew this was only the beginning of a longer discussion. Maybe he meant it platonically, but she had nothing to worry about. He wasn't forcing himself back into her life.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"It's okay."  She knew what he meant or least she had hoped so.

" I just hope you know that I got your back. Whatever you need, don't be afraid to ask."

"Yeah , okay. Thank you."

"I don't want to be pushy or make you uncomfortable so if you don't want to stay with me, it's fine."

He wanted the decision to still be hers. Especially given their current relationship title.

"Jordan, it's fine. I would rather stay with you then live on my own right now or be smothered by my parents." Simone replied honestly.

"Good, I like having you around."

"I appreciate that. You're not bad company either."

I love you was a three letter word that could make or break a relationship. Love wasn't something to be taken lightly. Neither was a relationship because building up to love meant trusting your partner. It meant open communication and respecting your partner in and outside of personal relationships. Boundaries were crossed more than once with her relationship with Kaleb.

She didn't stay out of fear. She stayed stupidly out of love in hope that the line would never be crossed again. Simone's love for him turned cold as months went by. Her trust and communication with him became less. It was noticeable, she didn't share important details with him. She stopped sharing her location. She had been putting on a facade so nobody in her inner circle would worry.

This was the part that being in a public relationship didn't prepare her for. How to end something that was well past its expiration date. She wasn't sure how he would take it. However, she saw a man she was no longer in love with. He had changed and even he put on a facade that everything in their relationship was solid.

She was able to hide behind the makeup and the long sleeves. Drinking wasn't his best friend and Simone couldn't believe the manipulation she fell for over time. She remembered the self defense class she took with Giselle, Olivia and Sammie on campus.

The goal was to survive. That night, she did whatever she could to survive and make it out. Rather he passed out from his drunk behavior or she knocked him out cold. She was determined to end things there. Even prior, she was close to ending everything.

Would it be worth it? Was it crazy? Her mind had been clouded with negativity from a man that wasn't worth it. Her life was worth it and getting professional help was something she never shied away from. The moment he fell to the floor when she grabbed the nearest glass vase, she made sure she didn't kill him.

Simone remembered smashing her phone to pieces. She didn't trust taking her car and by luck had nothing of value in it that she was able to just leave. She had known some of the neighbors and the chance encounter of them being up was pure luck. The car ride was silence. The woman had lived further down the block from Kaleb.

All she wanted was for Simone to be somewhere safe. At her request, she took her to a hotel and gave her extra money. Simone checked into a single room that night and called one person, Layla.

The duo had a safe word - three actually. Layla had stopped by to bring her additional clothing and the only number Simone gave her if necessary was Jordan's. She put his number back into her phone as an emergency contact and memorized his number  just in case.

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