Chapter 23

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The soft knock on his door pulls Jordan away from the staring contest he was having with his ceiling. He ignored it at first, wanting to pity himself in the privacy of his room. They were so close to winning that game only to lose. One point loss felt even worse because they almost had it. He had immediately left right after the game needing to clear his head. It felt like high school all over again. The knocking continued and Jordan rolled over pulling the pillow over his face.

Maybe if he didn't make a sound then she would take the hint. Except he knew that Simone wasn't a woman that backed down easily or let him sulk in his feelings for too long. Simone gave him time to cool off and didn't bother calling when she didn't see him after the game. She had seen the game and how it started off great, but the defense was terrible in the last quarter. She thought they would've pulled it together and had a game plan.

So much for hoping that would be the case. She knew that he would get in his head about it. He always did whenever they had a bad game, he put the blame on himself since he was the quarterback and over thought every scenario. Then he would make himself suffer even more with watching the game over and over again to figure out a better game plan for the next game. It was repeated cycle he trapped himself in.  Every single time, she was there to try to give him a little bit of encouragement.

When he didn't come to let her in, she debated going home. However, the food she purchased was going to get cold and her boyfriend locking himself in his room was doing him no favors. She checked the lock, not surprised by it being locked. Simone retrieves a Bobby pin from Liv and jiggles with the door handle.

"Can't a man sulk in peace." Jordan huffed.

"Well! Excuse me for bringing food and checking up on you." Simone sat the bag and drink holder on his nightstand.

"I am not hungry." He crossed his arms against his chest.

All he think about was the game. It was right there just for it to slip through the cracks. He could feel Simone straddle his lap and tug on his sweater. Jordan rolled his eyes seeing her continue to pry his arms apart. He couldn't help but to cave at the cutest pout he ever seen.

He welcomed the hug resting his chin on the top of her head, feeling her wiggle against his body. The room was silent besides their breathing. He could feel his anger melt away then came the sadness. She moved away seeing him immediately wipe his face of the tears.

"This is stupid." He looked at her.

"It's not stupid. You wanted to win and I wanted you guys to win too. You'll beat them next time. It's not all on you, Jordan. It was a team loss."

"I am the leader and I feel like I let them down." He spoke, feeling her fingers against his skin to wipe his tears.

"Nobody is blaming you. It takes a team to win a game and it's not all on you. You can't beat yourself up about it and I won't let you."

"Is that your way of making me feel better?"

"No. Hurry up and eat so we can go." Simone handed him the bag of food before rolling over him and laying next to him instead.

"Where are we going?"

"Don't worry your pretty little head Jordy. Just eat."

Jordan doesn't question her further and opens the bag revealing only one burger and one fry. He looked inside the bag again and back at her with a questioning expression.

"What are you staring at?"

"There is only one burger and one fry." He held up the items.

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