Chapter 37

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Author's note: HAPPY NEW YEAR! This story is coming to a close in three more chapters but enjoy this one for the time being. Thank you for all the love, comments and giggles overs the last year.

Age 17

They had the entire Baker house to themselves. Laura was working late per usual and Olivia was out on a date with Spencer. The timing was perfect. Jordan stood behind her covering her eyes leading her upstairs to his room.

"Where are we going Baker?"
"You'll see."

Jordan hasn't told her much of anything. All he told her was that she needed to meet him by 7 on the dot. Even if it was just next door, Simone Naomi Hicks still had a habit of showing up to his door late. He wanted to make sure that he had plenty of time to accomplish everything. He guided her straight to his room seeing her arms out in front of her in fear he'd run her into something.

"Can I see now?" She asked softly.

"Yeah I guess." He took in a breath uncovering her eyes.

The room was decorated just a little with a fort just like when they were ten. He had seen one too many rom coms that he had some candles and rose petals. Maybe he was overthinking it but he watched her jaw dropped.

"When did you -"

"After practice." He replied.

"So, you have been thinking about this for a long time?"

Jordan laughed rubbing the back of his neck. He had thought about it a lot. He was a growing boy with ranging hormones and a very hot girlfriend that he never thought in a million years would be leaving him alone in California.

"A little over a year I guess."

One would suspect that his first time would've been with Harper. It would make the most sense considering their history. However, whenever it got to that point one night with her, he had pissed her off. Jordan was no where ready to explore that moment of intimacy.

Or maybe he just didn't want to explore it with her.

"Are you comfortable with this?" Simone gains his attention again.

"Baby, I am always comfortable with you."

More than anyone else in the world if you had Olivia tell it.

"Um, do you have condoms? I know it's not the most preventive measure but it's something." Simone asked shyly.

"Of course. I want to make sure you're comfortable and we're safe plus I think our parents would kill us."

"Okay, perfect." Her arms wrapped around giving him a soft kiss.

As a safety precaution, Jordan still ended up locking his bedroom door and his side of the bathroom to prevent any interruptions or embarrassment. His lips found hers again brushing his hands underneath her shirt to feel her skin.

He pulled her shirt over her head revealing the baby blue bra underneath. Jordan sucked in a breath the moment his shirt and wife beater landed somewhere behind him. He admired her instantly losing his train of thought until she returned to kissing him. Her hand resting on his cheek as the kiss deepened.

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