Chapter 15

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The line went dead and Simone's stomach dropped. She turned on the night stand light hearing Sammie complain. Simone knew what Jordan said but she wasn't prepared to listen. She hurriedly threw on a hoodie and grabbed a flashlight and a stunt gun which ironically Jordan had sent in the mail to make sure her bases were covered.

"Where are you going this late?" Sammie rolled over sitting up.

"Something happened to Jordan. I-I don't know what it is but I have to get to him. I have to find him." Simone didn't have time for questions.

"Wait..." Sammie got up scrambling to find something and ran after her roommate.

Simone didn't want to do it. She didn't want to be the one to call his mother. She flashed on the light and searched for any sign of her now fiancé. She heard talking in the distance and looked seeing police and an ambulance. Simone took off in that direction. She needed answers right now.

"Whoa whoa. Get back inside. The campus on lockdown." The police officer blocked her from getting any closer.

"6'2, brown eyes, scar on his right check. Gold chain, black dress shirt and -" She spilled out fast.

"We don't have a name, he had no wallet but do you know our victim?"  He asked.

"Jordan! Will you move?" She attempted to move past him again.

"You didn't answer my question."

"His name is Jordan Baker. He had his wallet on him when he left my dorm. He was going back to his dorm after h-he proposed to me and I-I can't lose him. I am the last person he called, you can check my call log. H-He needs me. And I need you to get him to the fucking hospital and not let a black man possibly die because you want to ask me fucking questions." She screamed through tears.

"Simone!" She recognized that voice turning to see Olivia running to her.


Simone's body crashed into Liv. She didn't want to believe something happened to her brother. She didn't want to go through this again. Spencer had been on the campus in Liv's dorm watching movies once they returned from their date with Giselle and Keith. He slowed down seeing Liv console Simone trying to get answers.

"Spencer James. I have my id right here." He pulled out his license flashing it to the police officer.

"Look, they are rushing him to the hospital." The officer looked between the three.

"Only one of you can go." He finally offered

"Liv, go." Simone said before any objections

"Simone..." Olivia and Simone both had wet faces from tears.

"Olivia, Go! You're his twin and he needs you right now."  Simone nodded softly. He needed his sister no matter how much Liv didn't want too.

Liv pressed her lips together following the officer to the ambulance. She watched the doors close , heard the tap against it to signal they can go and the sirens. The very loud sirens that made all this real. She noticed the blood and felt like she was transported back to the night Spencer got shot. He saved her life and nobody was here to save Jordan's. She reached for his hand giving him a squeeze. What happened to guardian angels?

"Mommy..." She looked at the ceiling not wanting to look at her brother. Blood made her uneasy.

"Hi Babygirl, are you okay?" Laura could tell something was wrong. Her daughter wasn't her usual chipper self calling to talk about her day.

"Somebody hurt Jordan." Liv could feel her stomach turn just saying it.

"What? Is he okay, are you okay? Where is Simone and Spencer?? I'm on the way, I'll email you any information you may need. I love you Olivia, text me any updates." Laura rushed hanging up the phone.

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