Chapter 20

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The soft knocking felt loud to Simone's ears. Everything around her felt louder than normal. Her thoughts, her heartbeat , the sound of Jordan's voice pleading behind the locked bathroom door. She wanted to be left alone. She wanted him to leave her alone. It was what he wanted so she was obliging by his wishes. Why fight for something if it didn't feel worth it? She replayed the last ten minutes in her head , the past few weeks even.

Where did it all go wrong?
Why wasn't he was happy with her?

It was all broken promises. She gave her heart to a broken man. Her whole entire heart , her attention ,  and her unwavering love. She hated to imagine a life without him. It didn't feel real. Her fingers touching the cold tile made her jump. The knocking stopped.

She hadn't realized she fell asleep. Simone braced herself hoping he had just left.

She cracked the door open cautiously. Peeking her head out slowly opening the door further. How could the one she gave everything too break her heart again. Why did this hurt even worse than the first time. The first time, she was able to move on. Her eyes scanned the room. There was nothing left of him or them in any room of their apartment.

Except the photos. The framed photos on the wall , her night stand. It showed how lived in their apartment was. They had decorated it together. She still had photos of him by himself. She spotted one on her nightstand. Simone stared at the frame. Even looking at photos made her want to throw up.

She tosses the framed photo on the floor and stomps it hearing the glass shatter. Every single photo , she shredded or burned. She kept a minimum of two - their childhood photos. Simone even debated burning them but instead she put them in a old journal at the very bottom of a moving box.

She kept getting calls after calls so she put her phone on do not disturb then ultimately decided that blocking would be the next best option. She didn't want to hear from anyone. She didn't want any advice. She didn't want to see anyone or be bothered at all. The one person she counted on to make her feel better was gone.


"I'm coming!" The male voice answered getting closer to the door.

Simone was going to drive herself crazy. She needed one familiar face. She needed her big sister. Life kept both Hicks women busy but they still had their phone calls and face times. Simone was immediately hit with memories the last time she was in Beverly Hills when she landed. She sucked in a breath waiting. Forcing a smile when  her sister's boyfriend opened the door with a shocked expression.

"Simone, this is a surprise. Come on in. Here let me get that." He leaned forward grabbing her duffle bag. She didn't want to overstay her welcome so she packed light.

"I'm sorry, I should've called first."  Simone hated feeling like she was intruding  even if it was her own sister.

"Babe, did you say my sister's name? Don't play with me." Ashton called out wiping her hands with a paper towel. She nearly trips over her own feet running out of the kitchen at the possibility. He liked to play so she was hoping he wasn't. Ashton missed Simone even if she was flying to Atlanta for her college graduation.

"Babygirl!!!! What - How? What are you doing here?"  Her smile immediately falls seeing her little sister not match her energy. This was very unusual because they would both be screaming and excited any other time.

"Who are we fighting?" 

She was prepared to battle already. One thing Ashton never played about was Simone. She went to war for her little sister and over time, the same energy went towards protecting Olivia who became like a little sister to her as well.

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