Chapter 17

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Author's Note: sorry to keep y'all waiting on this one. Enjoy!


Simone flicked on the nightstand light feeling Jordan toss and turn. It pulled her out of her sleep from him moving so much. She could tell he wasn't having a good dream at all. Carefully, she shook him awake. When it didn't work, she rolled over wrapping her arms around his waist. She placed a kiss on his back.

"It's just a bad dream, I promise." She kissed the previous spot again.

He jolted awake, sweating. She could feel his hands travel up to meet hers. Simone pressed herself against him resting her head against his back. She hummed a melody that her mom used to sing when she was a baby. It was what she referred to as preparing her girls to sleep without fear. Somehow it worked like a charm.

She held him a little longer and finally felt his muscles relax. Simone leaned over and he was out like a light. She kissed his cheek carefully getting out of bed. Since there was no way she could get back to sleep, she minus well finish a paper. Simone and Jordan had the apartment to themselves. Liv was spending the weekend with Spencer.

Powering through her paper, Simone felt a little accomplished. She had snacks and the whole nine to encourage herself to finish it in its entirety before going back to sleep. Her feet kicked back and fourth as she re-read what she wrote. Essays weren't terrible for her but she hated writing long ones because it was hard not to repeat herself.

"What are you doing up?"

His voice brought her out the screen. She had only been in the kitchen for the past hour. His face was twisted up as he rubbed his eye gently. He went from shirtless to having on an grey t shirt as he stepped closer. When his head dropped on the counter, she leaned over rubbing his back. She smiled when he exhaled.

"No, What are you doing up?" She turned the question on to him.

"I can't sleep.... And you left me." He mumbled turning to look at her.

"I know. You had another bad dream huh? I'm sorry." She said softly.

"What are you sorry for? You aren't the one that tried to kill me."

"Well as your best friend turned enemy turned lover turned future wife, it's kind of my job to worry about you baby boo."

"Wait a minute, enemy?" He asked.

"Oh yeah, I couldn't stand your ass. You broke up with me and got back with Harper? I was on a fuck Jordan Baker campaign."

"That's not funny, Sisi." He glared.

"The truth hurts doesn't it?" Simone tapped his nose going back to her paper.

In retialition , he closed her laptop hearing her gasp. She opened it back up and by luck her work had auto saved. She pinched his arm seeing him do it again. Simone was about to shove him until he was quick enough to grab her arm. He pulled her away from the chair. Simone hanged on his shoulder like a rag doll as she beat up his back lightly. He settled on top of her on the couch moving purposely.

"Stop moving big head." She groaned.

"I gotta get comfortable on my pillow."

"I am a human not a pillow."

"Are you sure, this is giving pillow to me." He slide his hands underneath her frame feeling her booty.

"Excuse you, hands off the booty."

"What, you mean this booty I get to spend the rest of my life touching?" He teased.

"I have to finish my paper."

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