Chapter 2

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Arthur's pov

A sound suddenly woke me up.It took a lot of effort to open my eyes and when I finally did, the first thing that caught my attention was my precious alarm clock. Of course, this is where the sound was coming from. I sat with my back against the wall and rubbed my eyes. I've never been a morning person, I mean who is? I would have preferred to lie in my bed for another 1-2 days, but I had no choice. If I didn't get up then my mom would come drag me to the bathroom and then downstairs.

And I really don't want that.

I pulled the blanket off and stood up, heading to the bathroom so I could wash up a bit. When I finished washing I looked myself in the mirror. Fluffy blonde hair still a little tousled from sleep and big green eyes that looked like I had just woken up. I sighed and fixed my hair a bit before going back to my room to pick out what to wear.

I love jeans and big sweatshirts, so for today I decided to wear black jeans and my favorite blue sweatshirt. It took me a few minutes to get ready and when I got dressed I grabbed my school bag from next to my desk and my glasses from the bedside table. Now I have to go downstairs and have breakfast with my family. I frowned a bit because I wanted to go back to bed but I was hungry so I was going to come down sometime anyway.

They were already seated at the table and ready to eat when I arrived at the dining room."Good morning" I said in a quiet voice as I sat next to my dad and put my school bag down. I wasn't fully awake yet.

"Good morning" everyone replied.

I put some bacon and eggs on my plate and some juice in my glass. I started eating and it was so delicious. My mom was an excellent cook. While I continued to eat, I looked at the others around me. My sister was eating some bacon. She wore a touch of makeup and a black sweater with blue jeans. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail just like my mom's who was in her pajamas and had finished eating. My dad wasn't done yet. He was so careful not to stuff his suit. He works as a math teacher at a middle school that is close to our high school. I forgot it started today.

After a few minutes we were all done. My sister and I got up and got our school bags. We started walking towards the door. "Have a nice day" I heard mom say and I could feel her smile even though I couldn't see her.

We both thanked her and I opened the door for us to go outside and wait for our dad in his car, so that he can give us a ride to our school, while he was greeting mom.

When he finally came, we all got into the car. I took the back seat while my sister took the front. I like to sit alone in the back. I zone out every time I look at the neighborhoods and people we pass and I never understand how quickly we reach our destination, like today.

My dad had already parked when I realized we were here. Me and my sister opened the door and got out of the car. Here it is in front of me, full of students hugging each other or talking, my favorite school.

We greeted our dad as he wished us a good day as he left. Then me and my sister parted with a quiet goodbye leaving our mouths, each of us trying to find our friends. After looking for them for about 5 minutes, I decided to look inside, figuring they'd probably be waiting for me in my locker. I was the one who was always late.

As I opened the school door and started walking towards my locker, I felt a few kids staring at me. I bowed my head and kept my eyes glued to the floor. I had never paid attention to what a beautiful floor we have. When I finally got to my locker, I looked up to see my friends there, already holding their books and waiting for me, we had the first lesson together.

I smiled and ran over to them before giving them a tight hug.

I missed them. We didn't meet at all this Christmas. Geo was with his dad in France and Alice with her parents at their grandparents' house in Liverpool.

"Hii! How was your Christmas Arthur?" Geo asked, leaving our embrace. I could see that he was happy and I was happy too. He hardly smiles because of the problems he had to deal with

Divorced parents. School lessons. Bullying. I could feel him, being gay in this school is hard.

"Good" I replied "Yours?" I asked back

"Good, but I'd rather be here with you," he said, smiling more. That made more happier

"Me too, I love my grandparents, but I love you more." Alice said and I can hardly contain my laughter. This is the Alice I know, she is always like this.

She is our favorite girl, the queen of our group. We love her with all our heart

"We know Alice, you tell us the same thing over and over again" I said laughing. She frowned and Geo and I laughed even harder. She always does this and in the end we end up laughing together.

I didn't care that most of the students were looking at us. We had the time of our lives. I was so happy to be with my friends again.

"Hey there, what are you laughing at?" we stopped laughing immediately as a very familiar voice interrupted us. When I turned around, I saw Jack and his minions, Bruce and Gabe, standing behind him.

I sighed.

They can never leave us alone, can't they?

I hope you liked it.

Leave comments so I know what you liked and what you didn't.❤️


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