Chapter 6

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Geo's pov                                 (Time skip)   

I was heading to the cafeteria to meet up with Arthur and Alice. I had chemistry and the other two art, so we decided it would be better to meet there

We had a few hours left and then we would be free to go home and luckily we didn't have any homework because it was the first day. Everything is perfect on the first day. Well to tell the truth today was an exception

This whole situation with Jack was very strange. He didn't seem to think much before his actions

But that was a conversation for the afternoon

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a familiar voice and some other voices. I stopped where I was. The cafeteria wasn't far but to get there I had to pass this group

John and his friends

John was the biggest bully in this school and he didn't like me or Arthur very much, so whenever he got a chance to make fun of us or push us into a locker, he took it. And now I was alone so they had a perfect opportunity but I couldn't do anything if I wanted to go to the cafeteria and eat

"You'll just ignore them" I whispered to myself then took a deep breath before walking down the corridor

Everything was fine, I walked past them and they didn't seem to notice me at all, until I heard footsteps behind me. I immediately tensed knowing it might be John. I wasn't so lucky after all. I felt someone grab me by the shoulder and I stopped walking ,closing my eyes.

I was about to hear the words I hear from John every day when the person next to me instead of pushing me into a locker pushed me so I could walk with him

I wrinkled my nose wondering who the hell was next to me because it sure wasn't John.

I finally opened my eyes again after a few seconds and turned to the side to see who it was

Bruce Madden

Wait what? Bruce Madden?

I was about to stop and started yelling but he looked me in the eyes as if to tell me not to do what I was thinking. He turned his head slightly so he could look back and when I did it too, I saw John and his friends looking at us with angry looks on their faces but also a little surprised. We were not out of their sight yet.

Well, I have to wait

And I waited until we reached the cafeteria doors and I stopped, burning holes into his skin with my eyes. Bruce stopped too and was about to open the door but he must have sensed that I was looking

He let go of the door and turned to look at me

I didn't expect him to speak. I pressed my finger into his chest and began talking. It was already very noisy on the other side of the door, so no one would be able to hear us

"What the hell was that man?" I took a deep breath to relax a bit and started talking again "You and your friends do drugs? I recommend you a new dealer because whatever you get is not good enough, drugs in general are not good..." I saw him trying not to laugh and I was so angry

So angry that I wanted to kiss those red lips so hard

I sighed and then frowned, removing my finger from his chest. This was no time for such thoughts

"Whatever... say what was that?" I asked as I now had my arms crossed over my chest, still looking at him

He raised his arms as if in surrender and then crossed them over his chest as well, smiling at me. He leaned his back against the door and looked me up and down before looking me in the eyes again

“I was just trying to be a good person” he said still with that damned beautiful smile on his face "Nothing else" he said at last

I looked at him praying he would realize how stupid he sounded. I needed more explanation. He must have understood what I wanted and sighed as if he didn't want to tell me more

But he spoke anyway

"I was walking down the hall and then I looked at my watch and I saw that I was a little late getting in here" he said pointing his finger at the cafeteria "So I started walking a little faster and then I saw you walking and then I saw John and his friends to be looking at you ready to follow you and I decided to save you" he continued without taking any breath "I run to your side before they can do anything, knowing that they wouldn't dare do anything to you while I was here" he finished in a soft voice" This is" he clapped his hands and took a deep breath

I looked at him with wide eyes and my mouth half open. I blinked my eyes and flushed at the idea of ​​how stupid I must have looked

"Oh, ok. Thanks I guess" I said a little confused and trying not to stutter. Why did he have to be so brave and cute? What the hell is going on today? Is this some kind of joke?

"My pleasure my princess" he said with a chuckle leaving his lips as he stepped away from the door and then opened it for me. He gestured for me to go inside before he got too. He let the door close with a quiet thump. We looked at each other for a while before he gave me this beautiful smile and headed towards his friends, leaving me blushing and searching for mine

When I finally found them I started walking with my head down towards them

"Where were y…?" Arthur started asking me but then I sat and looked at them. I may have been like him this morning- all my face was red- because they both looked at me a little worried but still confused

" What happened?" they both asked clearly not paying attention that Bruce and I walked into the cafeteria together, that he let me through first, that we made eye contact

I sighed and shook my head still blushed and smiling

"Later at Dina's" I told them as I started to eat, Alice must have paid for my food how cute

They didn't ask for more

What the hell is going on with the basketball group every year? It's been like this since first grade, with their pet names and all that, but this year something is different

That was the only thought on my mind the rest of the day

I hope you liked it

Leave comments so I know what you liked and what you didn't.❤️


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