Chapter 13

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Arthur's pov

The day is finally over. I was ready to go home, relax and read, we couldn't go out tonight because we had homework. I wanted to have more fun but as mom says "You have to be more responsible now". So no mall for these days and I wanted a quiet place where we could talk more comfortably so bad. During lunch we talked about what happened but we couldn't discuss very freely. Anyway, the point is, this was kind of unexpected and weird

I waited for Alice in the front of her car in the parking lot as she was the only one with a driver's license who could drive me home due to the fact that my parents could not. Geo had left with his mother to go to a doctor's appointment, so it was just the two of us. When Alice finally decided to show up, we got into her car

She started the car and put on some music turning to me and smiled. Fortunately when I was with Alice I knew that firstly I was safe and secondly we always have a good time. She knew when I was in the mood to talk and when I wasn't, she always says she can read me like an open book and I don't really know if I like that or not but I'm used to it

Luckily I was in the mood to talk today

Not about what happened with Gabe and Jack, we wanted to talk about that when Geo was with us, but about our classes, our teachers, or Geo's appointment. He isn't a big fan of doctors and hospitals in general

"I know" Alice said laughing "Remember when he got his wisdom tooth out?" she asked after a few seconds, waiting for me to remember. Suddenly it clicked in my mind and I started laughing "Oh my god I remember" I said wiping the tears from my eyes. It was one of our funniest experiences. We kept laughing at old funny memories while listening to old music and passing beautiful neighborhoods, big and small houses and happy or sad people

And then I started to recognize all these houses and people, I started to recognize my neighborhood. I really didn't want to leave Alice. We had a great time but I had to

It wasn't long before she was outside my house. I was about to open the door and walk out when I felt her hand grab mine and I turned to look into her eyes.They are beautiful full of love and adoration for all people especially for those who cares 

"We'll talk later if you want" she suggested with a big smile. She didn't need any answers, she already knew. I smiled at her and she let go of my hand, letting me open the door and walk out. I stepped outside still with a smile on my face

"I love you" she called out as she waved at me. Not a second after she left my house without waiting for my answer, because she already knew. I smiled to myself and headed for the door. As I was about to open it something caught my eye

A car, a kind of familiar car

I recognized it immediately as I settled my eyes on it. It was Sophia's. I sighed with a frown. I completely forgot that ever since she and my sister became best friends, they would come here or go to Sofia to read. I guess Jamie wasn't here because I couldn't see his car

I couldn't understand why they let these two study together. It was obvious that half the time they weren't even reading but talking about boys

I sighed again before opening the door and stepping inside. I didn't see dad's car outside so I guess he had a meeting with teachers. The girls were apparently upstairs "reading" and mom was in the kitchen. I could hear her cooking.

I went there to greet her and see what we had for lunch today. I walked in trying to sneak a peek "Hi" I greeted her giving her a hug from behind "Hi sweetie" she said back as she turned to give me a proper hug smiling. I let her go to continue cooking, we had pizza


We continued to talk as she asked me about my day and classes and I asked her about her day. She also mentioned Sophia. I frowned and rolled my eyes, making sure mom didn't see anything

"I have to go to my room" I said about to head there then turned "Could I have a piece?" I asked with my puppy eyes and mom laughed giving me one. I smiled back and headed for the stairs

I was outside my room eating my piece of pizza " Yummy" I almost groaned ,when I heard them laugh. Anyone could recognize that laugh. I rolled my eyes and opened the door and then closed it a little too hard making sure they knew I was here

I could never stand Sophia. I've seen how she treated people and I knew Lisa would end up the same, but there was nothing I could do anymore. I have warned her

I left my school bag by my desk ready to see what I had to read for today. I closed my eyes and heard nothing. I didn't hear them laughing or talking loudly to disturb me. I smiled and sat in my chair

Well, I wish I had never spoken

I hope you liked it

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