Chapter 43

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Trigger warning: mention of alcohol

Sophia's pov.

I could clearly hear the click of the keys. Struggling a little, I finally opened the door. With the corner of my eyes I could barely see the guys walking away. It seemed that one of them was watching me, but I was in no condition to recognize anyone. I passed the door open and got inside with a slight sigh. Some of my previous memories were already abandoning me. And as it seems my strength too. The wall was my support system now, Jamie of course was better but I can't complain as long as it keeps me steady and helps me take a few steps. My head was spinning. I was looking from the window outside at the stars and trees dancing. Wait, can the trees dance? I felt a stifled laugh try to escape my mouth but I put my hand to stop me. I started shushing myself as I kept taking careful steps which eventually led me to one of our precious furniture. I bumped into something I hadn't the time to name

"Fuck you" I complained with a frown and closed my eyes, enduring the pain. Only then did I seem to feel the coldness of the keys I was holding. I squeezed them so hard they would probably leave a mark and after a few seconds opened my eyes trying to find where I was going again inside the dark. Small walks, big steps. I touched some pictures while I was walking with my hand tracing the wall. Suddenly I felt the switch "slip" through my fingers. I scanned the wall once more, now playing hide and seek with the switch. When I finally found them, I opened them with a proud laugh. The sudden light made me back up, nearly falling. I grabbed the nearest furniture, which happened to be our beautiful little table. I patted it a little with a smile, as if thanking it for being here. Then I looked ahead and kept walking to maybe my room? Yes, probably. Which way is my room again? I groaned as all these questions were going around in my mind. At the party, Jamie was seeking answers. And now my mind too?

"Why are you so bright?" I whispered to myself with a questioning look and looked at the ceiling once more. My vision wasn't the best at this moment but I can assure, it was all so white and shiny. Like the sun. Has the sun come to my house? A big sigh. I lowered my head looking in front of me. Well, barely looking in front of me. I heard a small breathless giggle again, the air rushing from my lungs. I took another long step and was standing in another dark room. I was feeling like it was big. The warmth that surrounded my body parts and the smell reminded me of something. But maybe it was still the alcohol

I shrugged and with another bigger step, I stood more inside in the room. I was feeling surrounded by a lot of things. The feeling of closeness made me shiver a little. I had to be extremely quiet. Wait, had I? What time was it? I searched for my phone, confused for where I had put it. When I found it, I grabbed it with force with the tips of my fingers and took it out of my pocket. I looked for the button so I could open it but the thing is, it didn't. I pressed it again and again in a manic fashion, waiting for something. Only two words were the answer

Low battery

Crap. It was already 0%. I put it with a small pout at his previous position and started looking for hints again, telling me where to go. I was trying to be as quiet as I could, not remembering if my mum was still in the hospital taking care of the patients or if she was sleeping in her double comforting bed. The only thing was that I didn't want to see her. Not even all the alcohol in the world could make me forget that

Lost in my thoughts, I wasn't looking where I was going and I bumped into what seemed to be a low table. I caught myself before falling over anything else and I quickly kneeled down, leaving my cold keys somewhere quickly and stroking my leg. That was a bad hit. I bit my lip hard, not letting anything escape out of my mouth. Tasting the blood after a few seconds I let go immediately. My eyes started to water but I didn't let them fall

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