Chapter 22

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trigger warning: small reference to anxiety

Jack's pov 
"I don't know man, they're a good team" I said while struggling to put on my basketball jersey.

"Yeah I know" Bruce grumbled. He had already put on his uniform and was sitting on one of the benches next to Gabe, our other teammates were standing in their own company talking and laughing

I don't know how they are so cool and relaxed, I couldn't even form a smile. Instead, I was completely nervous because every game is important and counts a lot

When I was down I sat next to Bruce looking at the wall across us

"I think we can win" Gabe finally said hopefully and Bruce and I looked at him

"I hope so" I whispered more to myself but I think that both of them heard me

"hey man don't worry" Bruce spoke with a smile and patted me on the shoulder to show his support "we're all in this together" Gabe said with a smile

I am lucky to have found both. They were the right ones and no matter how much we had our disagreements and arguments, we always ended up back together

"You know how I get. I'm just nervous but it'll pass" I turned to them and smiled showing them that I was good "The only thing I need is some alone time to relax" I said finally turning my head to the wall again

They gave me a reassuring smile already knowing what I meant. Every time we had a game I wanted a few minutes alone. While the others were going to the field and getting ready, I was there in the locker room sitting on one of the benches, relaxing. It really helps me

"Think Arthur will probably be here today" Bruce snapped me out of my thoughts trying to calm me down but it only made me more anxious. I wanted to do my best to make all those people who were out there supporting me proud, especially Arthur. I'd like to think he came for me and if he did I don't want to let him down

But I wouldn't be so sure if he was coming or not. Maybe we would see him and his friends in the seats, but maybe not. Gabe thought it was a good idea to invite them to this game and we were very happy that he did, but we didn't know if Arthur and the others find it too

We weren't best friends. In fact, everyone could tell that we were far from friends, but we hoped since we started to know each other better that they would come

"Probably" I repeated after him quietly looking at them both. Gabe sighed, we were thinking the same thing. I really hope they are here

Luckily, Bruce broke the silence after a few seconds with a hopeful smile "I think they are here. It's like a sense"

"Oh god Bruce you and your senses" Gabe said laughing

"Oh! come on you are just jealous because we don't share this talent" Bruce said back and Gabe rolled his eyes at how childish he could be. This made me really laugh but a sudden deep voice made me stop and turn my head near the door where most of our basketball team was gathered

" I want you guys come with me so we could prepare before the game. Jack you can stay and do whatever you do every time" some of them laughed at this, making me roll my eyes. How stupid "but I need you with us in a few minutes. The other team is pretty good so I want your best out there. Let's go" our basketball captain yelled proudly and opened the door for them to go out

Bruce and Gabe stood up heading toward the door too. They gave me thumbs up and then waived at me closing it as they were the last to leave. I had a smile on my face that faded immediately when everyone was out. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I ruffled my hair with my hand

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