Chapter 47

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Jamie's pov.

(One day later at school)

“Hey are you okay?” A light touch on my shoulder made me snap out of my little own world and spin around. Lisa had a small smile on her face trying to learn what was wrong with me

“Yes Lisa, I'm fine” I replied trying hard to sound that I was actually fine. My "confused" eyes darted for a little towards Sophia who was a few feets in front of us, walking fast and looking around, but the soft and reassuring voice of Lisa made me look at her again

“No you're not. You've had this confused-sad face for a few days now” she protested, stopping on her tracks. I stopped too. All the people passing by stared at Lisa as she was blocking the corridor and left her behind with angry faces and small innocent words escaping their mouths. I took two steps, standing closer to her and grabbed her from the hand gently. I looked around first, Sophia was nowhere to be seen. I frowned a little but with the sound of the bell ringing loudly, I started moving, walking to our class with Lisa's quick footsteps echoing everywhere behind me

“You don't have to worry about me Lisa. I'm telling the truth, I'm fine” I spinned around giving her a big smile “See?”

“Yes, yes, I see” her words were almost a whisper, but I heard her so close that she was with me, pressing into my back and holding the grip in my hand tight. I let a small breath of relief escape my lungs as we moved closer to our classes. With the corner of my eye I noted Arthur and Jack with their hands interlocked, standing in one of their lockers, their backs pressed there and being closer than ever. The rest of their friends were spread out around them laughing or glaring with a kind of funny look at the students who wouldn't stop looking at them. A small genuine smile made its presence visible through my face and I knew Lisa had the same one

“Come on, let's go to the class” and thus we left behind us the beauty of this scene, heading finally to our class


A small paper slipped between my hands, on the opened notebook that I had in front of me. I grabbed it and opened it with curiosity

-How are u? ;-)

I sighed looking at Lisa who looked at the teacher as if she had no idea, writing something on her book. I left the paper at the desk and took my pen in my hand. Having one empty page in my notebook I started quickly writing the most simple answer, trying to sound nice and happy too. A lot of work. When I was done I passed it to my beloved classmate who gladly accepted it in her hands. I kept looking at her, seeing all the emotion going through her face as she was reading it


She shook her head looking at me. Grabbing her own pen in her hand, she started writing at the same page. Her eyes were focused on what she was currently doing with a serious gase never glancing at me. After a few seconds she let her pen down and passed my notebook to me with a reassuring smile

-You know you can tell me anything

My fingers touched the page, focusing on the well-written words and looked at her for once more. I tried to mouth the words "I already know", wishing she had understood what I was trying to say. We didn't exchange other letters for the past minutes they had been left, but I could feel her eyes burning holes into my head. I didn't turn around, afraid that she would notice that something was wrong with me by the look of my eyes. I let a small tired sigh emerge from the depths of my heart. I wanted to tell her everything about Sophia but sometimes I was afraid that all this was a big awful nightmare and I was being a scared little kid like the old times again

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