Chapter 7

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Bruce's pov

I was going to the cafeteria to meet the kids there. Luckily the corridors weren't full of children because then it would have been very difficult for me to even reach the cafeteria door. They would just walk up on me and start flirting, I'm not saying I don't like the attention but it's ultimately tiresome and irritating.

I sighed

Then I looked at my watch and saw that I was supposed to be at the cafeteria a few minutes ago. "Shit" I cursed under my breath. Mr. Jonas talked to me after class, but I didn't think I could be that late

I quickened my pace

Suddenly I saw a figure walking in front of me. He was a long way from me, but I could tell by the clothes he was wearing that he was Geo. He looks good in these clothes

I smiled a little to myself

Then I remembered that I had to hurry to the cafeteria but again I slowed my pace a bit because I didn't want Geo to see me and get scared

He was still in front of me and hadn't noticed me yet. Everything was fine until he suddenly stopped and looked like he was thinking about something

I stopped too

We were near the cafeteria where I guess he wanted to go too. For a minute I thought he sensed I was behind him and waited for him to turn his head and look at me, but then he started walking again

I started out curious too

And it was then that I heard someone speak and other voices laughing after him. I stopped walking again and rolled my eyes as I saw who they were

It was John and some of his friends, that's why Geo stopped

They are never good with anyone who is not like them and Geo isn't like them. I felt bad for him. I heard what John did to different students

Guys like this are the reason I hadn't come out yet

While I was looking at them I saw Geo walk past them very quietly and with his head down so as not to be noticed and it seemed to work for a while

But I didn't miss the look one of the John's friend gave Geo suddenly and how he whispered to the others and then all turned to look at him with a mischievous smile on their faces.

They hadn't even noticed me because if they had they wouldn't have done anything and I wouldn't let them do anything

Geo didn't deserve any of this

So before they were about to approach him I ran and got to him first grabbing his shoulder, I felt him stop and when I tried to look into his eyes to see if he was ok I noticed he had closed them

I looked behind me. John and his friends had stopped as I thought they would, that disgusting smile had already left their faces, they also looked a bit angry

I turned my head to Geo again and with my hand on his shoulder I started to push him to walk. As we walked I felt him looking at me as he finally opened his eyes.

He has beautiful eyes.They must be the most beautiful in the whole world

When I turned to look at him I saw his narrow eyes and I was sure he wanted to yell at me. I glanced at him, hoping he'd understand that we should walk. Then to help him understand what was going on, I turned my head back to look at the others who were still looking at us angrily and a bit surprised too. They didn't wait something like this to happen.

I saw him looking back,observing the children as well

We continued walking without talking to each other until we reached the cafeteria and we were out of John's sight.I could hear the students talking loudly. I was about to grab the knob when I felt Geo's eyes on me again, but this time when I looked at him, letting go of the knob, he looked somewhat confused and angry.

Then things got a little heated shall I say

He pressed his finger on my chest and came much closer to my body talking to me. I could only hold back a smile at how cute he was when he was mad at me. Also, I must have noticed him looking at my lips once or twice

When he took his finger and a few steps back crossing his arms while looking at me - he looked just like a teacher - he wanted to know what this was all about and with an ever-innocent smile on my face I told him how I was his hero

When I finished with my story, he looked at me confused but still surprised. He was so cute. I think I also heard a thank you and that made me even happier so I responded in my most charming way and it was worth it

After a minute we were inside, looking at each other before giving him a smile and leaving to find the guys

"Hey man what happened?" was the first thing Jack said when I arrived at the table. I sat down and bit my bottom lip looking into his eyes

"We'll talk later" I replied and he didn't ask me anything else. I looked away from him and spotted Geo sitting with his friends

I smiled even more. He was so beautiful, while blushing and how cute he was when he looked up because I was taller

He must not have noticed, but I couldn't take my eyes off him for the rest of lunch

Actually,I couldn't since I knew him

I hope you liked it

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