Chapter 52

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Jack's pov.

I suddenly woke up from a strange sound. I tried to cover it up with my blanket but nothing was working. After a few minutes the same sound was heard a little louder. Sitting up, I rubbed my eyes harshly and then they darted towards my closed door where the sound was coming from behind. It sounded like a great loud burst of laughter

When I stepped on the carpet, I shivered from the cold that hit my body. I already missed the heat of my bed but anyway my clock alarm would ring at any minute. So I turned it off and stood up, going to the bathroom

When I entered my room after a few minutes, refreshed, I wandered around, searching for any clean clothes that could do for the day. With a proud smile I held a pair of black jeans and a black shirt that I had found hidden in the corner of my cupboard. I got dressed and then I grabbed my black leather jacket off the chair I had thrown it a few days ago. After adding a few more books in my bag, I grabbed it as well. With a quick movement I opened the door, clutching my bag and went down

Going to the living room, I came face to face with my mom's smile. Both of them were sitting at the table, in the dining room, eating breakfast like every morning. I joined them as well, with a big grin accompanying me, discarding my bag at the end of my chair. Sitting down I grabbed a croissant, stuffing it in my mouth

“Good morning my dear” my mama said with a grin on her face and I only talked to her when I gulped my food

“Good morning mama”

Now they were both smiling at me. My mom filled my glass with juice and passed it to me. I caught it, feeling the cold through my fingers. I even felt the cold liquid touching my tongue as I took the first sip. My two favorite people across from me had started a sudden fight over the food with silly giggles, catching my glaze a few times. I let a soft giggle as my mom took the last croissant with a proud smile

“How did you sleep?” the same one asked after gulping her food, like me a few seconds ago. My mama, next to her had a small playful frown

“Fine, you?” I replied through my laughter

“Perfect my dear” she said excitedly and I gave her a small grin back. When we were done talking, I went back to searching for what to eat next

And these two went back to whispering and stealing each others' food with a stupid but at the same time sweet smile. I remembered the happy ones they had when I announced to them what happened with Arthur and that he accepted to be my boyfriend. I will never forget their faces. I had finally got together with the boy I was constantly talking to them for

“What's the smile for?”

I looked at them and I immediately tried to hide my face as soon as it was pointed out

“it's nothing” I tried to say loud but it only came as a whisper

“Yeah, sure” My mom joked and my cheeks went red. Luckily my mama gave her a look, making her stop. The first one put an effort to hide her stupid laugh. I looked at her and she gave me a quick wink before turning around, kissing my sweet mama at her cheek. I giggled at that. This is how I imagined my relationship with Arthur. I was left wondering what the future held for me but luckily a sweet voice brought me out of my thoughts or I would have stayed there thinking for the rest of my life

“Are you done with your food dear?”

“Yes mama”

“Great, take what you need and let's go”

I stood up, picking my bag, after drinking a bit of water from a nearby glass. My mama kissed my mum goodbye before she motioned me that she was ready to head out. I ran to my mom, placing a small but yet sweet kiss at her cheek as well, before heading to the door

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