Chapter 39

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Arthur's pov.

                    (Time skip to Thursday afternoon)

"You had been staring at your phone for hours"

I abruptly turned my head toward the end of the stairs, where my sister was standing. She had her hands crossed over her chest and was looking between me and my phone. The truth is, I was holding it for what felt like hours. I looked at it for a bit, sighing deeply before I spinned my head in the way of Lisa

"So, what's bothering you?" she asked while taking a few steps toward me. She didn't come to stand beside me but she was pretty close to the couch I was sitting

"Nothing" I was barely audible but the look on her face had changed when I looked up at her again

She raised her eyebrow at me, expecting me to speak honestly. I turned around so her gaze could not affect me. But I couldn't hold it for long. I could feel her eyes on me and it didn't seem like she was going to leave anytime soon. A loud sigh escaped my mouth. Leaving my phone on the small table in front of me I turned my whole body around like a small child

"It's about Jack" I waited a few seconds before speaking, my voice softening at the mention of his name

By the look on her face it seemed like she knew something. Not particularly for the fight but definitely about something else. She uncrossed her hands and came closer, gesturing for me to keep talking. She seemed interested. Unbelievable. I gave her a strange look before I started talking again

"and about the fight" I said finally and her face changed completely

She seemed to think over her next words. I saw a quick horror, was that? in her eyes. As if she remembered something. But it was gone from her mind in a glimpse of seconds as her eyes turned to mine. Something clearly happened. I was ready to ask and as if she sensed it she immediately started talking about my problem. So I let it slide. I guess something happened with Sophia?

"Oh, the fight. Me and the kids were there. Well all the school was" she corrected herself immediately

"I know" she waited a few seconds while trying to think. I didn't know what I was going to hear. A laugh? A sigh? Nothing?

"What is the problem then?" I looked at her. Her face was painted in confusion

"You probably know that by now. Jack got into a fight with John because of me"

"Yes, I know. The news spread quickly" she seemed awkward. Her eyes went to her shoes and her fingers were playing with the hem of her shirt

"I know this too. The problem is that he is in all this trouble because of me and I feel bad" I finished talking with a sigh

"You know this isn't your fault, right?" her face was suddenly lifted to look at me again

"He said the same but still...." my words trailed off and the room fell completely silent until Lisa started the conversation again

"And you had been staring at your phone because..?"

"Because I want to text him"

"And why don't you do it?"

"I don't know. I think I'm nervous" her eyes widened at the honest testimony. She took a deep breath. I didn't know why, but I would soon find out

"Jeez You are ready to kiss in front of the whole school and are you nervous to text him?" Send a hi or something" she said and stopped to check the time. She looked at me after closing her phone and added before standing up "my duty here is done. Do what I said. I'm leaving. If anyone asks I'll go out with Jamie" she was in a hurry. So that's why she was dressed. She gave me a small salute before going to the door and disappearing completely. I sighed and turned my gaze from the door to my phone. I looked at it for a few seconds before grabbing, opening it and texting a hi to Jack. I quickly closed it, already kind of regretting it but I didn't do anything. I waited for my phone to light up, telling me that someone sent me a message. Well, everyone could feel my happiness when my phone actually lightened up. I grabbed it as quickly as before and opened it, entering Instagram. I took a deep breath before clicking into our chat. We hadn't talk a lot before but something was different now

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