Chapter 16

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Jack's pov                                       The next day

Life has never been easy for me. Not even when I was a small child or teenager, but now I feel that sth is different. For the first time in my life I hope something like this happens to me

I was still half asleep as I headed to the kitchen so I could help with breakfast. When I finally mustered all my strength and got there, I saw my moms full of energy setting the table. I've never been able to figure out where they keep all that energy or where they find it at 7:15 p.m.

My family is always described as weird, but I know we are far from that. I have two of the most beautiful moms in the world who have loved me with all their hearts since the day they adopted me and I still can't find anything weird about it all. Well, except the whole thing where they get all the energy which is totally weird

"Morning sleepyhead" mom said while hugging mama from behind and looking at me "How did you sleep? Good?" she has always asked me that since I was little, she has never stopped. I always had nightmares when I was younger and she was there to comfort me

"Fine mom" I replied and stretched a little "you two?" I asked and looked at them both while mama was cooking and mom was helping her. "Breakfast is important" is stuck in my mind, I think this is the most spoken sentence in this house

"Fine baby" mama said as she smiled and no lie but she has the most perfect smile in the whole world. She always makes me smile even when I'm not in the mood for anything

I am proud to call them my moms

While my moms were cooking, I sat at the table and waited for them. After they finished, they sat down too

Now I woke up for good with breakfast in front of me and my moms talking about their jobs. One was a personal trainer and the other coached a basketball team - she made me love basketball by taking me to every one of her games

We had stopped talking as we started eating. "We enjoy every moment of our lives" that's what they tell me everyday. We sat in silence, just a few comments about how good the food was and a little about school. Nothing else until everyone has eaten their food. Actually, it didn't take long to finish our breakfast and when we finished I stayed with them so I could help them clean up. I enjoyed offering my help and being kind

However, school is very different. I am very different. Some people will accept who you really are, but some others won't, not that I care, but it all makes you feel like an outsider. That's why most of the kids at my school never accept who they really are or try to show that no one messes with them, like me. I put a wall around myself that I hate so much every day because I'm not brave enough

I'm not brave enough like Arthur to show my true self. That's what I love most about him above all his other traits

While my mind was racing, we had already cleared all the dishes and I was ready to leave. I kissed them both on the cheek and did the same to me before heading straight to my car. I got in and reached out for the wheel, exhaling and closing my eyes. Everything is going to be okay, that's what I tell myself every morning before school. When I opened them, I was ready to drive there

This time I was the first to arrive. The ride was nice and quiet as quiet can be with music playing. Closing the door of my car, I went without looking at the looks of others, to my locker. This is my every morning. Glances from everyone, waiting for me to look back and flirt with them, but I feel like the owner of my heart is Arthur and it's stupid to feel this way from that age, but I can't resist him

I closed my locker and locked it now holding my books that I needed before I went to Gabe's to see if he and Bruce were there. As I was walking peacefully with my mind racing, I noticed I passed Arthur's locker. I stopped looking in his direction and there he was, my God, he was as handsome as ever. He was wearing black jeans, with a yellow sweatshirt, his curly hair falling over his face like waves, and his green eyes bigger with his glasses on, were looking at me. I must have been staring for what felt like hours, because he was also slightly red

I couldn't bring myself to forget that what mom tells me "if you try hard enough you will eventually make it" with this repeating in my mind I approached Arthur. I don't know how he will react but I just want to talk to him. I didn't really know how much what I did a few days ago could affect him. Luckily Gabe was the smarter of the three of us and went to apologize to Alice for my actions but now it was my turn. While I was thinking about all this I was getting closer and closer to Arthur who thankfully didn't run away and stayed where he was probably waiting for me to talk to him

I was really nervous. And I have to feel this way for years now. So I can say for sure that Arthur was special, he could make me act like a real person like myself

"Hi" I said when I finally found myself in front of him. At first he seemed a little hesitant, like he didn't want to talk about anything, but eventually he responded with the sweetest hello. He must think I'm a bit weird, looking at him like he's my most precious treasure and not joking around with him like I did every time he was around me, but all I wanted to do right now was grab his face and kiss him hard, so badly

Joking with them was our fault. We wanted to be noticed, but we chose the wrong way, especially me and Bruce. It would be easier if we talked to them but we were afraid so I blame us. What can I say, love makes you crazy sometimes

That's exactly what I told Arthur without the love part of course. I apologized for everything. It might seem stupid to come up now and ask for forgiveness, but when Gabe said that I might have bothered Arthur more than ever, something clicked inside me. I kept talking without him saying anything, but he seemed to be more comfortable with me now at least. We haven't worked it all out yet between the two groups, but I know we will

We mostly talked about how sorry I am and how wronged me and my mates were, but I was still grateful at least we were talking and that's a good start. This was definitely weird to me, but a good weird? I hope so for Arthur. We even laughed until Sophia appeared out of nowhere and made Arthur lose his smile. In the middle of our conversation I saw his eyes wander towards a certain point and then they stopped there. I looked there a bit curious too. I stopped talking when I saw her. Sophia was standing a few feet away across from us looking at us like we did something really bad and then after a few minutes she just left with her hair swaying. When we turned to look at each other I was still a bit confused, I could feel that Arthur was not as happy and in the mood to talk as before. He looked like he wanted to leave too. I don't know what's going on but well done Sophia, now that we started to get along a bit

He told me he wanted to find his friends and I couldn't say anything, I had to find mine too. It went better than I thought. Well Sophia ruined all my speech and effort but again Arthur left with a slight smile and blush on his face "I'll see you around I guess" I said with little hope and when he nodded I must have passed out. He looked shy while waving at me with his books in his hands or I might thought so

I'm the bad boy at school and Arthur made me show him my sweet self in one day

Well, I guess I'm falling for him a lot

I hope you liked it

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